What's With Public's Bad Opinion of Drones Plus More

I had my first drone encounter from an irate woman across the creek from where I live. I was testing something or other and she’s screaming at me and shaking her fist. And, zoomed off in her truck, black I might add. The neighborhood across the creek an organized neighborhood whereas on the other side where I live, random, private dwellings, in fact I have no neighbors immediately near me.

I jumped in the Jeep, headed to her neighborhood to no avail as it wa a sea of black pickup trucks so no way to determine which home. Hmmmm

Pondered the whole thing, have been flying over the water regularly for couple of years, just having fun with the Inspire1, as it’s more of a challenge to fly and not really using any camera functions. Just practicing, as the I1 is really a minimalist craft.

Got me thinking, what’s so damn ire provoking about a drone? It’s unusual quad shape? Certainly not noise at 150 feet high? So, duh, obviously its abilitity to photograph/videograph, or is there something more? And while GPS hover is indeed a good way to learn, truth is flying a drone well is an acquired skill like so many other skills and I1 a good craft to hone skills…

Considering the model airplane (RCers) fly, what’s the big deal? Of course most RC’ers are organized and fly in designated areas, whereas of course a drone can land/TO virtually anywhere.

At 78 soon to be 79, I know that drones will have a bad ending in th USA, guns on the way out no matter how hard we enthusiasts attempt to put blame on the shooter, smoking has been banned all over, even in the outdoors; soccer fields, hospital campuses, and college grounds, and buildings where smoking prohibited up to 200 feet from a doorway.

I expect someday, tho’ flying over water/canal a police officer knocking on my door with a complaint from someone. Welcome to the 21st century. From the postings here, seems we Americans share your same frustrations.

As we say over here. Probably that time of month. :rofl:

We’ve had the exact same smoking bans put in place over recent years too :confused:

I think it’s this, coupled with the fact that quite often people can’t see the operator. This in turn leads them to believe they’re being spied on :roll_eyes:


Funny you should say that John.
There are quiet photography drones, which people seem to fear over privacy. Not sure why, as if you have something to hide, maybe the authorities should know about it. And there are freestyle drones which are noisy. But don’t take pictures really, and are fun to watch. What is their problem!

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Are we still the most surveilled country in the world? (in terms of CCTV cameras?)

If so, drones kinda pale in to insignificance eh?

Still trying to figure it out. There is hysteria about China and data collection e.g. (not i.e.) huawei. China are supplying most of the drones / parts. Drone regulation in general. Around the world. Brexit - (Sorry @PingSpike).
What’s going on?

I’ll Just say one word on being spied on but very quietly ‘Alexa’.

Personally I’ve nothing to hide, so I’m not that concerned at the moment.

Part of the problem is the ‘herd mentality’ of, mainly uneducated and undeveloped humans,
This is what causes vigilantism.
As individuals they are capable of forming a reasonable opinion, but don’t want to be seen to be against the group so will go along with the group thinking. Occasionally one of the herd will break free and confront someone (in this case it was you as a drone flyer). Having confronted of screamed at you, they then go back to the herd for approval of their actions.
The group will approve and maybe give high fives to the individual, further reinforcing the bond with the group or herd and in their mind, legitimising their actions when they confronted or abused you.
I can safely say that whatever ANYONE does, and they may have the very best intentions in the whole world, there will ALWAYS be someone against them.


Sadly, I’ve tended to be uhhhh, at times confrontational. At almost 79 you’d think I would have learned intuitively, but takes hard work on my part to not be confrontational but know for a fact that ‘nice’ trumps ‘confrontational’ and in almost all instances a level of sincerity, kind and gentle words and body language, perhaps even some self-deprecation, defuses these tense moments. Sooooo hard to do at times, and demands a very significant effort. My deceased wife of 52 years asserted that I will not die of natural causes but likely will be shot. LOL. But going back to the basic question, why do these drones provoke such drastic emotions among many. Certainly, the smartphone and their cameras, nowhere near as much. I have an iWatch that can control the smartphone camera. I often take candid photos with the iPhone that is on a small stand, and of course the primary lens is the ‘back’ of the phone so no image is seen, while the image is on my watch and I can ‘click’ the shutter and take as many candids as I want. Sometimes called ‘street photography’, which is fun. Ah well, I’m OT on my own topic. BTW, enjoy you guys a lot, nice site, nice folks, fun too.

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Sadly WE too have to take some of the blame. We will not get through to the general public by complaining on drone forums. How many here have written articles to their local papers explaining all about Drones/ photography/privacy/ the law and rights to fly ( No, I have not either!) . How else is the non drone public supposed to ever find out about us. Perhaps as a start one of the more experienced amongst us might produce a single sheet lowdown on drones which we could ask any complainers to read before we get to chat? Always assuming they can read!Then calmly answer the questions.

Geat idea. In fact the wheels are churning already. Will cob up some ideas over weekend and start . . . others of course can as well as I hope I didn’t imply ownership as a result of starting the thread. Again, good idea!

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Many thanks. We need to educate the public as no one else will!. They only hear bad about us!

Hot Air balloons can travel over my house carrying anything from 5 up to 20+ passengers all with there cameras pointing down and they go on about drones invading privacy …

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I’m thinking something along the lines a laminated card, perhaps about the size of an index or recipe card (USA size about 4 x 6 ")
Perhaps we could have a collaborative thread and some hearty soul could have the task of distilling, shortening, eliminating duplicate or similar assertions. May I start a new thread, we could call it something tricky, catchy, or give it an official look with the seal of the Mother Queen, or this forum’s logo. And, the continuing (deadline implied) would be the submission of ONE HEADLINE, and the text supporting that idea. There can be multiple submissions by the same party, but only one title, idea per submission/reply.

Can I suggest that this is put to the Moderators of our Forum, before it is open to general release ,so to speak.
Once some sort of Document is then available and acceptable.
It can be then added into our “Members Only” section, so it is only open to members here for their use.
As members know, I have a specific section which is available to Members which contains all sorts of Documentation to help us all.
Just my 5 penneth…

I’m not sure the public will read letters or articles, let alone get papers to print things, they are only after ‘human interest’ or ‘local’ stories, unless there’s a nice juicy disaster involved.
At the moment we have a village that is flooding and being evacuated due to water bursting the banks of the local river. Some air photos have been taken showing the railway under water. These will make their way into the local paper.



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Your handwork Brian?

Nope. Someone I know sent them to me, thought I’d like to see what’s happening in Wainfleet (Lincs). image

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I’ve been sat at work for 12hrs, and wouldn’t you know it, as soon as it’s near home/drone time…it’s raining again.

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We saw it in the playground didn’t we?!! Starts early but some never seem to grow out of it thus perpetuating their arrested development! As you say Brian, it will always be so!

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