Where we are staying for the next month

Our abode marked by the yellow circle.


A tree? How much you pay for the night on it?

I’m guessing hammocks are free :smiley:

Looks nice Phil @Diveuk - what’s the temperature there at the moment?

Sure you don’t want to come home to the -5C in Blighty?

Only 12c today and raining, tomorrow’s forecast is sunny and 17c.

I have to come back and face the cold in January so making the most of this.

Yeah, not the best of angles I suppose, can’t sleep in the tree the flock of Red Crowned Amazons that inhabit it make too much noise…

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Quoting a wise man:

Only thing we have to do is to die, and that’s only once in a lifetime. Everything else is voluntary.

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Not when your visitors visa expires… Don’t want to become an illegal immigrant…

It’s still your free choice.

@Diveuk whereabouts is this?

Arcadia, Los Angeles.

Any issues with registering / flying over there?

No, did it all online, simple test and anything under 250g does not have to be registered. I bought my Autel Nano+ and my M2P so I paid my $5 for a registration the theory test is free.


Getting authorisations to fly in controlled airspace is really easy, just answer a few questions online and the authorisation email comes through within minutes. Where we are staying is in controlled airspace and I have never had a problem getting an authorisation.

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You are also lucky that the Remote ID requirements isn’t in place yet. It becomes mandatory on September 16th next year.

Not for Drones under 250g that are not registered

And I don’t see it as an issue with a DJI drone flying for fun on your holidays

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What I read on FAA’s website, it looks like the rule applies to every drone. Maybe there is more detailed information deeper on the site then.

You don’t have to go much deeper at all.

In the US, FAA rules state you don’t have to register a sub 250g drone for personal flying (non business), the remote ID rules are for any drone that requires registering.

Which Drone Pilots Must Comply With the Rule?
All drone pilots required to register their UAS must operate their aircraft in accordance with the final rule on remote ID beginning September 16, 2023, which gives drone owners sufficient time to upgrade their aircraft.




Ah, see that I didn’t know! I just assumed they have same rule than CAA regarding registration.

Not a free choice when the immigration police cart you off to a cell until your flight home is arranged. That takes any choice out of your hands.

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Ken and co, clear it up

Do they? They seem as confused by the FAA as we are by the CAA.