Could any of you lovely people recommend a small sbus receiver that’s compatible with the frsky xjt module and that would work with an eachine wizard x220 fpv drone.
ive never built or flown an fpv drone before and had this x220 sitting in its box for at least the last 5 years trying to figure out ibus/sbus/ppm which firmware and general compatibility its hurting my tiny brain.
Sorry, also no help here. My dalliance with Frsky right at the beginning of my FPV journey was enough to convince me I wanted as little too do with it as possible.
After the D8 Nanohawk I only got one more RX connected for myself and that was such a Herculean task that at the first sign of trouble when attempting the next I ditched it and switched everything over to TBS.
I have one of these coming tomorrow, HobbyRC got them in today. For the price they seem a great starter controller but if you are used to the larger style ones such as TX16s or Spectrum ones you might find them a little small, if so go for a Boxer.
If you want, I’m happy to answer some questions about it once i have it.