Wilton house Salisbury ( am I missing something )

Wilton house, a place I’d like to fly, I see know restrictions here, only 2 DJI geo zones, I turn them off & all is good.

Wilton house website says this, I thought they can’t control the airspace or am I wrong, :thinking:

The flying of drones is not permitted at any time over the Wilton Estate.

Approval may be granted to event organisers who satisfy stringent CAA criteria; have the correct licence, insurance and risk assessment documentation and are operating under controlled conditions.


They can’t :person_shrugging:t2:

Sounds like they’re just trying to cash in on commercial flights.

As per usual, fly within the legalities of the Drone Code and you’ll be within your rights.

Exactly what I thought, thanks rich, just wanted to double check, appreciated …

Loads of places say this @Kirky. Do what I do … ignore them.

Expanding on this, I still TOAL from outside their site’s boundary, e.g. NT, EH, etc. Which is why the latest “soon to be” addition to Drone Scene with it now showing ALL of the land owned by these bodies (i.e. not just open and limited access) is so valuable👍


Yes, no intentions of entering their ground & only from outside where the code allows me, cheers Chris :+1:t2:

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Sshhhhhh…. :shushing_face:

Trade secrets, geezer! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

We haven’t released this version yet :blush: :rofl: