Wish someone had told me

Just finished replacing my frame, took me the whole day to set it all up, resolder some wire etc, excited to take it out side and try it out, arm, and poof 2 motors in smoke, screws were too long, yes im new at this… betaflight testing after, 2 motors twitching, so before i burn the house down, in the bin they go…


Possibly cooked your ESC too. Expensive mistake to make. But it’s a lesson learned :+1:t2: every days a school day in this hobby lol

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God we are a sympathetic lot!

Not much of a lita of gotchas any where which is a shame.

At least you know it is not you we all made unforseen errors which cost money.

There was this, once upon a time, but it’s a bit of a read and you’ve got to know what you’re looking for.

Unfortunately the forum format doesn’t lend itself well to “knowledge base” type articles where the initial post is constantly maintained by the original author.

Eachine MN2206 2300KV ?

If they are, I have some spare you can have cheap :wink:

That they are mate, are we allowed to discuss prices and sales here?

If BetaFlight is able to power up the motors, although 2 of them are twitching, would that indicate that the ESC is still ok or not? Any other way to test that the ESC is still ok?

Swap some motors around and test. Resolder etc. don’t need all 4 connected at once. Twitching is more likely the ESC tbh. If a 4 in 1 costly, if it’s an AIO even more costly. Though speedy bees are good value.

“Wish someone had told me”? How much of Bardwell build videos have you watched? If not 20 three times over each, then please take the time to do that. He does tell you a lot. Most build videos will.

It’s a frustrating hobby with a very very high learning. Curve, a lot of money spent. Hard to find the right scree lengths esp if you add TPU bumpers. I have built up loads and loads of spares and always check this closely. It’s a learning lesson…

But boy… It’s awesome when it works and goes rightm

The motors might be OK. Swap the others into the “fried” ports

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6 mins in ish

If you’re not watching these kind of videos over and over and not used to drone building…please do. There not many better than bardwell


And Oscar Liang, if you’re more the reading type.


It’s a Speedybee f405 v3, will do some testing as suggested, thanks all

All, could i be doing something wrong here?
Soldered the working motors to the suspected faulty ports on the ESC and the suspected faulty motors to work ESC ports, no sounds coming from any of them on arm, thats either with or without a set of suspected working motors on either working or non suspected working ports on the ESC, BF shows motors arm and thrust from controller, so i know its not the transmitter, could the ESC be totally dead now or is there something i should have changed or enabled etc in BF?

Got any more photos of it all? Maybe the two motors and 2 ESCs both went… Id just try one at a time.why you using a controller to power it? Just use the BF motor test tab with a battery plugged in

Ill try that, wasnt aware you didnt need the controller on as well at the time

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Watch or read some more information mate. Drive really good guides out there. Of course we here to help too