XT8 Drone and App

Hello All,

I bought an unbranded (model: XT8) drone from a Chinese store (Banggood). The instructions are obviously translated from the original Mandarin and typed by someone who does not speak English. I downloaded the app - “WIFI_CAM” from Google Store. It requires me to connect to a network called “WIFI____XXX”, which does not exist!

There is a QR code square, but that takes me to Tick Tock!

So, my questions are these - Is this the only app that will work? Has anybody else got one of these? How do I go forward?

Help!!! Please

Best Regards


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Hi @Kiltpin

Have you got a link to the drone itself (on Banggood)?

And it looks as though you’re quite new here :wave:t2: Why not nip over to the Introductions page, and say hello properly and tell us a bit about yourself. :+1:t2:

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The reason I asked for a link @Kiltpin was so we can see what the drone looks like.

It’s probably an Eachine clone or something, but if we can see it we might be able to help :slight_smile:

Hi, Banggood change their stock on a regular basis and I can’t find it. But this UK seller has the same product -



Amazon link


Thats a child’s toy

Is the drone powered up and connected to the RC when you try the app?

Can your laptop see the wifi access point being broadcast?

I wouldn’t expect great things from that to be honest… personally these types of drone are a marketing scam… 9 times out of 10 they will use an £800+ drone in their marketing adverts showing off the features…

In my personal opinion, a drone that costs less £100 is either a scam or a toy.

Just my honest opinion :+1:t2:

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Pretty basic drone. I had one similar that I got from the missus but it didn’t need a screen to fly or take video. Just shove an sd card up its arse and away you go Total rubbish and had no GPS so had to use the controls to feather the calibrate drift. The instructions below were how to pair it. A friend got one similar that worked the same way but his would connect to a phone. I got it working except for the live feed to the phone. Couldn’t be bothered TBH to try it. One breath of wind and it was off!

Connect the remote control and the drone to the power supply, and press and hold the drone button to turn on.
2. After turning on the drone, the indicator light of the drone flashes, indicating that it is in the frequency pairing state, shake the throttle stick up and down and hear a beep, after that, the indicator light stops flashing, indicating that the frequency is successful. 3. After the frequency is successful, push the throttle stick again to take off.

Hi Chas, this might hurt a little.

Probably yes!

Probably yes, but in a drawer or the bin.

If it’s not already there, put it in a drawer (or the bin), save your money up and buy a DJI Mini 2 or even Mini 1 (about £250ish). You’ll appreciate the fact that small drones do actually fly and not just jump up in the air, then fall to the floor or hit the wall in an uncontrolled manner.

Thats what happened to mine! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Whilst a lot of what has been said is accurate a lot can be learned from drones without gps.

I learned with a basic Chinese drone about 10 years ago with no live camera feed just simply flying line of sight.

It’s taught me valuable skills and has meant that I’m confident should the technology in my more advanced drones fail.

Whilst the drone you have the isn’t the best it’s a great starting point to the hobby.


@Kiltpin ? :thinking:

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Hi @PingSpike,
Sorry for my tardiness. Things have moved on apace. It seems that the connecting to a network was all rubbish. What was lacking was a step-by-step guide of what to do first. What little instruction there was assumed that I had a lot of prior knowledge (which I don’t have).
I discovered, quite by accident, that there is an ON SWITCH, at the top of the drone. No mention in the paperwork! Once I had the drone switched on and linked to the controller, I found a real problem.
The starboard rear propeller is intermittent. Instead of freely turning on the bearing like the others, there is a kind of grating - like plastic gears not meshing properly.
When switched on, the other 3 props turn at tick-over speed. The one does not and needs a finger-flick to get going. When I press “hover”, the other 3 rev up, but the one does not. It acts like the Queen Mary’s anchor! The drone flips over and lands on its back, every time, in the same direction.
It was a £40 special, so I doubt that there will be many spares to be had. I have checked eBay for similar product selling as “for spares or repair”, but so far, no joy.
And, of course, it is a toss up whether I try and repair this one or save up for a better quality drone. On the whole, I think up-grading is the way forward.
So it is back in the box for it and I will be doing a lot of research.


Thanks for the update Chas @Kiltpin

If you did want to repair it, I’d probably buy another identical new one for £40 and if that has no issues, all good, but if the new one also has a dodgy motor you could mix and match the parts to make a good one out of the two.


If you can stretch to it, the DJI Mini 2 SE is currently on offer: DJI Mini 1, 2, 3 & 4 - offers, deals and discounts - #237 by PingSpike

Sounds like the plastic gears aren’t aligned in the one motor.
I’ve had this in the past and quite often you can find spares online or a simple bit of manipulation with a screwdriver and a carefully placed blob of super glue should sort it.

Good luck either way

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`these look like the parts you need

Or these if you want to make sure its not the motor

Oh, WOW! Thank you so much, @Howard78. I never thought that these would be available! Kiltpin shall go to the ball!

Thank you again


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No problem at all.

I flew many chinese drones that were low cost when i started flying.

The likes of DJI only did huge expensive things back then.

I got used to crashing and repairing and learnt lots from it.

Be sure to shout up if you encounter any issues and good luck!

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