Marys Shell and the Sea Ogre at Thornton Cleveleys.
I tried flying my Mini2 through Mary’s Shell once - didn’t quite make it
Clipped one side with a prop as it was exiting - fortunately it recovered and stabilised about 10cm above a pool of salt water. I’ve not felt brave enough to try it again since
Stop putting silly ideas in my head…
I think I may take my wellies tomorrow and a 360 camera to put inside, see how it turns out.
Just re read that and it reads like I am going to put a 360 cam in my wellies . I did of course mean in the sculpture.
I’ll see if I can find the video of my attempt…
…but it helps?
…but @Challenges_Committee will frown upon your entry.
You’re going to stop your drone inside a metal sculpture for a 360? Prop guards?
No, put a 360 camera in it.
Note to self, read AND absorb all of a post
Another example of read and re read your post title to make sure you don’t incriminate yourself…
TBH, when I read the title I wondered if it’s legal to be high and fly a drone
“You don’t have to be high”
I know right, I tend to fly sober
Good save…
Nice photos, I find it’s a really nice area for pictures there, have spent many hours there doing long exposures of the shell.
Butt clenching