Youtube music copyright

Hi on my youtube channel i noticed today i have 12 videos that say copyright, i think it its the music i am using. I have a full paid version of power director 365 suite, and using the music provided through that.

I thought i was aloud to use this music for my youtube videos. i dont understand and dont want to get into trouble etc,

has anyone else came across this, should i delete my videos

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Thanks, i was worried. Just a big surprise when i seen it.

@paulburgh I often wonder what would happen though, should the channel ever be in the position to monetize. What has no impact before monetizing may become strikes, or the content be stripped of the soundtrack and/or the video taken down? I doubt it will ever affect me as highly unlikely to reach the 1000 subscribers required. :grin:

Out of interest Paul, I would message Power Director 365 and ask for the lucensing info that they should provide with the music they supply with the subscription.

Sometimes I have noticed that I also got a copyright warning but not a serious one it appears that the owner of the content doesn’t mind me using their music

Nearly all my videos are copyright claimed (I just well known commercial music in a lot). I’m not (and have no interest) in monetizing, so I assume these videos wouldn’t be monetized if I ever got there. Only thing that has been more than a “no impact”, is that a few of my videos aren’t viewable in Russia… Ho well! I’ll live with that :slight_smile:

I guess the copyright holder could take issue and say we don’t like our music used on your video, and ask for it to be removed. The music I use is blatantly the real thing! But guess that’d only happen if got a lot of views/subscribers!

IIRC anything with a copywrite that is claimed but allowed for use just means if you reach monetisation then the music copywrite owner would get the add revenue from your video that uses their music, no other effects… TBH when growing your channel and being below the monetisation level it really doesnt matter - especially if it helps you get a few more subscribers by having the right music for your video…

Also as a tip. If you are going to use a well known piece of music and wonder whether it could be completely blocked from using (which some are). I actually create a completely black video with just the music on it (so it’s a quick upload too!), and upload it unlisted and see what youtube say about it!

Imagine spending hours editing in time to music, uploading your masterpiece and then youtube block it!

I do this especially with videos I’m going to spend a significant time editing!!


it seems to be quite a common thing when using music supplied by software and app’s.
I have seen it with music from the GoPro or DJI video editing app’s in the past that you get this sort of thing happening.

It even happens when you get royalty free music from SoundCloud and you do what the artist ask’s about crediting them too.

At worse you may find that on some devices the music will not play but the video will.

Only once did it give me a strike against my account - I just removed it and used some other music.

Some music that is copyright even when a video is monetised doesn’t attract payment. It can still be used under the creative commons license whereby the original artist just want crediting. In your case, Powerdirector have already paid so that it’s licensed users can use the music without repercussions.

@anon59239996 thx for the info Jon, like I said I doubt I’ll ever get there but it’s nice to know what happens if I did. :+1: