Yea im hoping to try catch some over weekend etc just my camera was shaking at 60m hiigh but that could be due to the fair ground area, and was fine for 4 mins prior
diwali today, so expect lots of fireworks tonight also!
Hoping for quite a few entries over the next couple of days.
Is there such a thing as ‘noise cancelling headphones for dogs’? If not, there should be.
There are silent fireworks now though, but I doubt people are considerate enough to buy them!
Looks like there are these …
My dog loves fireworks but I’m sure she must of been dropped on her head at some point. She hears them then asks to go into the garden, where she’ll just lay down and watch.
What’s really random though, If you were to say blow out the charger socket on your phone, she starts shaking and doesn’t know what to do with herself
My dog goes mental. And doesn’t calm down for a good 10 minutes afterwards. So when there is one firework after another … it’s like WW3 in my house.
I assume this stems from the farm where she was born, tractors and lorries with air brakes, that’s the only link I can make.
How bizarre. I know blowing on a dogs face can cause stress, but never heard of just the sound of blowing stressing out a dog.
My old dog used to go nuts inside the house when hearing the bangs, but if he sat outside and watched the fireworks, then he’d just sit happily and watch them.
I just had a trial run, as the school litterally across the road from me, had it’s display this evening. I was only up for about 10 minutes. But quickly found it’s not as easy as it looks. Timing is a biggy. I chose ISO 100 and 3 second exposure, but for me, I think that was too long. Maybe 1.5 seconds on my next attempt.
Not an entry.
Cheers for this, Ade. I tried it tonight with our dog. And it worked
Great effort Chris, look forward to seeing the next attempt.
Cheers mate, just got my self-unlock done for tomorrow. If I don’t post anything by midnight tomorrow, you know it went terrible
My display target is South Shields seafront on Sunday evening forecast is cloudy but windy, gusts close to drone limit, chance of 2 displays 6.30 & 8pm…only the weather can spoil things Oh and a Westerly wind ie out to sea Oh I love a challenge
Our major display has been cancelled tomorrow due to high winds but there are loads going off right now in people’s gardens.
Just returned from a display and just a heads up.
Seems that drones are popular around displays and I found myself almost fighting for airspace with 5/6 others. Just be cautious when flying, the last thing you want is a crash on your hands.
Fly safe VLOS is your friend.
Now the fun processing
This taking pictures of fireworks is harder than it looks.
@McSteamy2010 …Good advice and I got a warning on my Mavic Air 2 " low ambient light conditions obstacle avoidance sensors may not function " …or words to that effect !