400ft Height Limit

Yes. If you are on a 400ft tower block you can go horizontally and down but not up.

Yes I agree but your forgetting I’m new to the drone world like u all was at one point and I want to learn as much as I can so if that means asking daft question and making myself look a idiot then so be it

Thanks stevesb now I understand

There is confusion in America the rule is the same (400ft) however they also state that it can be exceed if you calculate 400ft above the highest point of a particular object. 400ft height plus 200ft tower would give you a 600ft max height. Bit different in the UK I think

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Probably more confusing to UK people on a UK drone site discussing the UK rules when the US rules are introduced to the conversation.


There’s no such thing as a daft question if it gets you the information you need. God I’ve asked more than my fair share :grinning::grin::joy:

All I want is to no the in’s and out’s of drone flying so I can go out there and enjoy flying my drones in safe and responsible manner unlike the idiots that think they can fly where ever and as high as they like it’s people like that that give us responsible drone flyers a bad name

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It’s exactly why I stopped going on other sites for info,
@Ted Much better ie less confusing to stick to uk based info and regs when learning, , everything about the us adds confusion :thinking: :rofl:

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Dextercut is showing USA (FAA) drone reg explanation, which may have changed since that particular YouTube video was filmed, but essentially they could fly at 400ft above a structure whereas we guys in the UK can only go 400ft above ground level, usually abbreviated to AGL.

Thanks for clarifying. I thought the US “height above structure” applied in the UK too… But no doubt it will add soon as we become the 52nd state and change our name to Great Borisland… (is that some new can of worms?)


Who’s gonna be the 51st?

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Isn’t that Hawaii?

Nope. Nor Alaska. They only have 50.

Some of the straggling bits of US territories are sometimes referred to as the 51st. But there are only 50 … currently.


So it could be us!

Boris …. hmmm …. he’s one really unique individual.

Let’s see what he manages to achieve before writing him off. I can imagine he can (probably accidentally) pull some rabbit out of the Westminster hat and surprise us all … and I can equally imagine him falling flat on his face. Whatever he achieves to manage either will probably divide the country between the “Wow!” and “WTF!” camps - because that’s where the country is. Totally divided about everything.

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I’m in two minds about that…


I used to be uncertain … now I’m not so sure. #Badumtish!

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It’s why the TV show was Hawaii 50. The 50 was for fiftieth state

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Well, ya learn something ,everyday !