A2 CofC courses

A code for UAVHUB A2 CofC from Camerajabber website:
30£ off using CAMERAJABA2.

I’ve done the training and have my exam planned soon. I found this course very good and very easy to follow, and I felt that I learned new things from it.


Well I passed :grinning: :grinning:, went like clockwork, except for the Google Meets needed to be re started because it had crashed or something!

TIP to everybody, Read the revision notes and do the mock exam as many times as you can (trust me).

Next up, the GVC course, already booked and the resources are already there to be digested!


Well done. Had the classroom yesterday (20 of us!) and the exam this afternoon

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Brilliant. Well done. Just need to find time for digesting the info. and hopefully I’ll be joining you.
Thanks for your help :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you, there were 36 in my class. Like I said DO THE MOCK EXAM as many times as you can!!!

Thanks Keith, same as above goes for you as well!


Passed ok


Obviously you can’t see this, but I really am doing my happy dance!!!



Shame only 5 questions in the mock test for pigs can fly.

By now we ought to have all the questions here :joy: :joy:

Basically the mock test on UAVHUB is the real one, 30 questions at a time out of the question bank, do it a few times and you’ve done them all.


I did my test with UAV Academy and did the mock test lots of times until I was getting 100%. I noticed some questions came up all the time but there would be one I hadn’t seen before. Sure enough in my real test there was one question I hadn’t come across before…got it wrong lol


Might splash 140 to get that mock test.

Not confident with pigs can fly

I’m not sure why you have such a downer on Pigs can Fly. I understand that their mock exam only has 5 questions on it.

Have you actually ponyed up for the Pigs can Fly tuition? If so, read your learning materials and take the exam.

If you fall short, then maybe go the UAVHUB route.


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Just not convinced.

I’ve had zero suggestions on taking the test etc.

Not been asked if I have any questions etc.

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I’m still not clear on ‘where’ you are with this.

Have you paid for anything from anyone, or are you still on the fence?

I’m also not sure why you’d go elsewhere and pay even more money out @DroneGeek - when the prices have been doing nothing but coming down for the last 12 months straight :man_shrugging:

I’ve paid for pigs can fly.

Ok, now I’m really curious :smiley:

Ok. What’s stopping you from taking your exam?

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Nerves. Plus I’ve not been invited to. So I guess I have to ask how I take it etc.

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