Advanced user tutorial

Hi there , Licensed

Completed our advanced user tutorial

I thought I’d done this a while ago , maybe I’m thinking of some thing else , can any of us do this or does it automatically trigger after certain topics or things we have dived into , if it’s not what I had thought I have done am I eligible & how do I go about it , if not no probs , many thanks

You can complete it on your own. The forum software creates a private thread where you play comment tag for a few minutes, and you’ll learn a bit more about the advanced features here.

Ok nice one Andy thanks , is there a link ? Sorry I did click on something but it’s greyed out , could not find it in topics either , thanks mate

DM @MavicBot with “start advanced tutorial” in the title and the text.

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Many thanks

Then you remember that conversation you had with the @MavicBot ? Well, find the last post in your conversation and type this as a reply:

@MavicBot start advanced user

Hi all , so I have earned certified now :clap:t2::smile: , I done my best to understand @MavicBot , is there another test for advanced ? Or does this automatically generate when the computer / committee as such thinks you are ready , Thankyou in advance

You’re probably done with the available tests.

As you use the forum your trust level will increase, you’ll pick up an anniversary badge, you’ll get awards for photo competitions, etc.

Thankyou for that , yes I understand I kinda thought that , thanks again :+1:t2:

Automatically - when you’ve completed the tutorial - or soon after.

@GADC_Committee thanks for the info , I wasn’t trying to run before I could walk was just curious & kinda thought

As above or work your way up to it , once again Thankyou

Your a flyer @Kirky your going places :rofl::rofl::rofl: as I joined up 5 years before you!! nearly 7 years in total basically when this forum started :scream:

I seen members level 3 and only been around a year and I check in everyday read posts try to help ask questions join in conversations as this is the only forum I would use now as it’s very friendly and interactive and members are so helpful no matter how stupid a question would be or a question already been asked.

So having this mavicbot popup is a suprise as I honestly thought it was that situation if your face does not fit then there is nothing I can do about it. Being 7 years level 2 I’ve just got used to it now :rofl:


Have you spoke to mavicbot :joy:
@ziceman mark, TL 1 2 3 4 or whatever makes really no difference to me tbh ( rather not TL 1 ) in the nicest possible way tho & no offence, does not make anyone better than yourself as a person just means I / we are not in the gang / ( circle of trust ) :sweat_smile:
Only thing I have noticed tho & again no offence, a few recent that have been here not that long & move up pretty much straight away,
I’ll try chatting to @MavicBot lol

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Hi! To find out what I can do, say @mavicbot display help.

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@mavicbot display help

I currently know how to do the following things:

@mavicbot start {name-of-tutorial}

Starts an interactive tutorial just for you, in a personal message. {name-of-tutorial} can be one of: tutorial, advanced tutorial.

@mavicbot roll 2d6

:game_die: 3, 6

@mavicbot quote

:left_speech_bubble: Make the best use of what is in your power, and take the rest as it happens. — Epictetus

@mavicbot fortune

:crystal_ball: You may rely on it

@MavicBot So you can’t tell me how to win Where can I fly my drone in the UK? - Win a DJI Mini 4 Bundle or £1,000 of FPV vouchers


Not yet but considering it as that be my second friend as the other is Alexa :joy::joy: I tell her every night I love her and she sings back to me I bet @MavicBot cannot do this :joy::sleepy::sleepy:

Mavicbot says You’ve got more chance of getting a tan from a light bulb then ever winning anything from GADC :joy::joy::joy:

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Hi! To find out what I can do, say @mavicbot display help.