Altitude angel vs dronescene - do I need both?

Hi. Still working out what I need and what I need to know. I chose dronescene because it seemed like you got everything you need and more. But I also see a lot of chat about Altitude Angel and so my question is does that give me something extra. What is the benefit in having both?

Indeed you do.

The Altitude Angel app only offers airspace and some ground hazard layers of data.

Drone Scene offers those too, plus DJI layers, National Trust layers, Foreshore & Estuary layers, distance measuring tools, elevation measuring tools, Local Authority byelaw lookup tools, Good 2 Go, recommended places to fly, sharing options, filtering, flight reports and more.


The biggest part of more is the support from the team who wrote it, and the 000ā€™s of people that use it.

You just donā€™t get that from the other lot :person_shrugging:


Out of curiosity, where are the ground hazard layers sourced from. Itā€™s only I saw one nearby to me that was removed 3 years ago.

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Drone Scene gets the ground hazard data from Altitude Angel.

More info half way down this page:


Cheersā€¦ā€¦ Iā€™d imagine thereā€™s a vast amount of updating needed at Altitude Angel re ground hazards.

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Everytime someone installs solar on their house ;o)


Next they will be informing all that roof tiles are a hazard as well! :joy::roll_eyes:

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I find the most irritating thing about Drone Assist is the ā€œground hazardsā€. How on earth are solar panels on a roof a hazard ? Does Altitude Angel believe weā€™re crashing into these panels all the time ? Honestly a lot of their ground hazards are irrelevant.


Drone Scene filters out a lot of Altitude Angel data on the fly.

Things like solar panels wonā€™t appear in Drone Scene, nor will places you have to pay to fly (because the land owner decided to draw a shape on a map and cash in on it :roll_eyes:), it also filters our all airspace restrictions that start several thousand feet up because theyā€™re not relevant either.


No benefit in having both but if you want the best with the most info the choice is simple - Drone Scene - does everything Drone Assist does and then some :man_shrugging: :thinking: :+1: :+1: :+1:


At the end of the day, the main airspace data for both is from the same source so you arenā€™t missing out on airspace restrictions or NOTAMs by not checking bothā€¦ so the question is do either of them provide you extra information you find useful and do you prefer the look and feel of one over the other?

For me, Dronescene wins on both, hands down - it has all those extra tools and data @PingSpike has already mentioned and I just find it an easier/nicer user experience.

Plus, as @milkmanchris has pointed out, direct access to the good folk who wrote, support and develop it is a rare treat. Not often you can just directly message somebody ā€œHey, have you thought about doing ā€˜xā€™?ā€ and a short time later ā€˜xā€™ appears.


Drone scene actually finds and reports most of the errors and bugs in AA data

they are not the quickest to respond (some times weeks rather than days :scream:) whereas DS has a full time dedicated support team :wink:


Another good point. :+1: Need the fingers on more than one hand to count the number of times that has happened :rofl:


As anyone with a satnav will confirm, the ground is dynamic but the map is static, only correct to itā€™s most recent printing or update.

I have both; free downloads so why not, but mostly use Drone Scene for clarity and recent updates.

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Thank you all @PingSpike @SparkyFPV @HantsFlyer @JoeC @Jhdee @milkmanchris @TheJohnster
Thatā€™s helpful and looks like I have made the right choice. The only thing I could think of was something I saw in a previous thread about it not being an app. But Iā€™m guessing that dronescene is not something you are using when you are out and about and more something that you refer to in planning what you might do anyway. Itā€™s a bit of a shift in thinking for me from just grabbing a camera and heading out anywhere, anytime whatever the weather!


Just save the web shortcut to your Home Screen and it will act just like an app as long as you have data

The other one doesnā€™t work offline either and the app is just a front to the online map


Ummm - I actually donā€™t know how to do that. Can you tell me how?

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iOS or Android ?

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Sorry Apple Iphone

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