An airline pilot saw a drone. Really? Again? When an airliner is still gaining altitude there is all manner of things to do in the cockpit and one of them certainly isn’t looking out the side window while doing about 250 knots and at that speed judge it to be about 60’ away. Stuff and nonsense. Perhaps the pilot as well identifies as they/them and is an attention seeking pain in the backside.
Show me on the doll where the pronoun hurt you…
From the paper that is also running this exclusive
Daily Fail, only use I can think of for it, is if you unfortunately run out of proper toilet paper, but a known side effect is that it usually puts more S*** on your backside than it takes off.
Why the hell do you feel the need to display your gender / pronoun phobia whilst sharing this crap from the Daily Fail, which of course never publishes anything even slightly false ever…