Another positive drone use - anti-mosquitos


Just to play devils advocate, should man be playing god with the ecosystem, and therefore is this the use of drones in a positive way. May be if you are human. But what about the rest of the ecosystem, and would this eradication possibly be detrimental to human life further in time.


A contrasting opinion always handy. However, maybe ask the 244 ~million~ who contract it every year, thereafter the 608,000 who actually die from it - and these figures are rising. Methinks they would beg to differ :pleading_face:ā€¦

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Too late. Where are all the North Atlantic and North Sea fish stocks? All the millions and millions of cow farts are pushing climate change along quite nicely. Spain was mostly forested till they decided to have a fleet. And it goes on and on. We all have micro-plastics in our bodies. Man has been playing fast and loose with nature since the dawn of time.


The introduction of the Blue Nile Perch into lake Victoria.

Circumventing the natural barrier of water falls and rapids that had kept the fish from entering the lake.

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Iā€™m doing my best to combat this by eating roast beef, fillet steaks, sirloin steaks and steak pies. :wink::wink: