Anyone been to Willington a late?

I’m thinking of heading there tomorrow or this weekend to do a 1-2 pack whoop rip. Is there any consensus on whether to park to the North or South of the site? i don’t mind wandering in from the North side if I can get closer without getting ambushed by security. I’m not looking to spend a massive amount of time on site, just maybe 10-20 mins then bug out.

Last time we went we were asked to go… Shame really. Park near a little football field (south side), and walk past a farmers field where a gap in the fence. We never found a way in from the north! The farmer keeps fixing the holes, and people keep finding them!

Good luck and let us know how you get on, look forward to the video!

What was the time between arrival and getting booted off site?

I was wondering if I could park in this car park on the northern side. Looks like there’s a path runs out of the south side of the car park. It might give access from there. you can probably guarantee that the angry farmer will
maybe call the security for the site. So avoiding him might be useful.

Then flying from one of these two locations.


Here’s where I’ve gotten in before. Follow blue line from parking. I’d hide from the security which is left hand side. The farmer can’t do anything if he’s found you on site!

We flew from slightly above the “Fly from here” text last time. You’re more hidden from them where I’d just the purple arrows!

We had about an hour. You fly smaller quads, so… May not be heard. We were visible I think where we setup. Better off near “angry” farmers field than the “left” side of the towers I reckon!

I’ve not heard heard anyone getting in from the north side!

I’m going to explore the north side anyway if I’m in the area. From the current map images on openmap, it looks massively overgrown on the north side. Would make for a stealthier entry if I can find a way in. Was then thinking of setting up away from the towers, maybe a couple hundred yards out. It’s more of a goal orientated thing than spending hours on site. I want to dive a tower. Once i’ve got my footage I will go. But doing it on a 2S Whoop.

Might head down to Matlock tomorrow for a quick rip, same goal. Maybe have an hour, fly a few packs, depending on how many others are on site.

Had only got 3/4 packs in, so “highlights” from our trip there. Hadn’t warmed up, and was wanting to try so much more stuff! Also would love to take my 6S there now (these are 4s 5inch and 6s 7 inch!) You see the security van towards the end parked up (he let me fly one more pack!) Must have had my stabalizers on still when flew this… Sorry @BigDog

Sorry it’s only DVR from the vista, and I only knew about 700mw, not the 1200 back then! Also lowered my rates a bit since too!

Just remember that concrete can affect the video signal quite a bit, though looking through my footage, was alright!

Wonder how they would feel about an agreed, organised drone meet there one Sunday?
We could sweeten them with burgers, coffee and dougnuts :smiley:

I’ll see if I can find out who the ‘head honcho’ is and talk to them

Good luck. The security were friendly (they let me fly one more pack, before seeing us off site!)… The angry farmer not so much. Their reasoning is H&S… Blocks of concrete falling on our heads (and don’t forgot there loads of BIG holes that go way way down…) Don’t crash or fall down there. Careful @PathfinderFPV if sneaking in through well covered bits!

Also be lovely not sneaking through tight gaps in fences, and over water trenches, etc, etc!

Big holes? Is it as bad as Selby (you probably haven’t been there). I found Selby to be really sketchy with all the manhole covers missing and some bloody great big drops if you fell in one. Now I don’t want to do it on my own so much. :stuck_out_tongue: But going in as a big group is bound to attract more attention.

So when I looked at it earlier i did wonder if I could fly Grace Dieu first, then hit Willington, then hit Crich or Harborough, before heading home. I suspect Grace Dieu is better on a weekday/school day, Willington is going to be hit and miss regardless of day, Crich probably better on a weekend.

But definitely not wanting to fall down any holes.

I may have over egged the holes a bit. There are metal fenses around the ones the way we were and they not super close to the towers. Obviously I don’t know the route you gonna attempt to go in.

I’d still go the way I marked earlier. Can always fly the footy field if no game on. Yes you go round edge of farmers field, but you out of sight of any security guards that way!

One of these three routes. i think given the holes info, green could be dangerous and orange is a definite no no. Red seems to follow an established road, but passes on the edge of someone property. Probably won’t know until I get there. On both Openmap and Google it looks like a dog walkers path.

I’m guessing you’ll hit fences at some point, but you never know! Very keen to find out how you get on!

probably here, the car park is surrounded by fences :frowning:

I wondered if someone else had attempted it. Guess it will have to be the front gate then.

I was waiting for you to drive down and through the tower ?? :man_shrugging:t3:

Can’t get me car through the gates unfortunately :sob::sob:

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Why you flying 4s packs on a 5inch drone ???

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Baby steps for gunja :laughing:

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