Arming problem

So I’ve built a 5inch quad with 4 hakrc escs and an omnibus f4 board, having a problem were as soon as I arm the drone it goes insane max throttle and goes front left into the ground, I’ve check motor direction and everything seems okay only thing I havnt checked is changing the esc protocol, I’m running dshot 600 which is compatible with my escs but havnt tried anything else, cheers

It really does sound like the props are on wrong or the mapping is incorrect :man_shrugging:
Any video?

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And is your flight controller mounted in the correct orientation? There will be an arrow on the flight controller that should be pointing towards the front of the quad.

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I did but can’t post it for some reason, I arm it with no props on and it spins from side to side, does the same thing with props on

Yeah it’s in the right orientation

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Yeah you have to upload to youtube and post a link here until the mods sort a way of allowing video uploads again. Something about apples I think :laughing:

Have you spun them up one at a time in betaflight (assuming you’re using betaflight) with props off and compared them to the diagram? And then installed the props correctly?