Avata 2 a2 cofc

Hi just wondering do i need an a2 cofc if i want to fly the avata 2? Also is there different laws for fpv drones to non fpv drones, also is the avata 2 a drone or classed as fpv? sorry if the questions are obvious but just looking for advice. One more thing if you do need a a2 cofc can you use the article 16, i think it is article 16, thanks

Run your scenarios through our own good 2 go

The avatar 2 is deffo an FPV drone (as soon as you put the goggles on) so don’t forget by the letter off the code you need a spotter with you


Just for reference this guy explains the ways you can fly it, albeit the first avata but I’d not worry about it being the older model, as the man above says check good to go on drone scene also.


Thanks for the help and both links to everyone, seen some videos people reviewing the avata 2 saying they hope dji should make the rc2 controller compatable with the avata 2, so hopefully it may be in an update.

I can’t image they will , they had the opportunity with the DJIFPV and original Avata.

It’s not what FPV is about