Avata Headlights

Night flying next


Your get ya collar felt for flying with full beam on :smile:

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Coolio, lets have a look at them tomorrow… I have something that fits on a GOPRO mount above the drone, so am itching to give that a night flight - plus some illuminated home made loops…

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Lume Cubes? :thinking:


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wow, they are bright… what are they?


How have you mounted them mate?

I have modded a 3d print

to this


Looks like I’d better get the printer out and set up then!

Are they the 3 blade master airs crew stuff?

Yeah :+1:

You won’t need to mod it like I did because I am using the sunnylife battery holder

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Just got the 4 blade version to try with the controller tomorrow


The 3 bladed are excellent… Havent tried the 4 bladed yet :slight_smile:

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