Avebury Henge - Largest stone circle in the world

After a long break, I’ve finally gotten around to editing my Avebury footage from the end of last year.

In this video, I visit Avebury Henge and Stone Circle … the largest in the world :star_struck: Built and much altered during the Neolithic period, roughly between 2850 BC and 2200 BC, the henge survives as a huge circular bank and ditch, encircling an area that includes part of Avebury village. Within the henge is the largest stone circle in Britain - originally of about 100 stones - which in turn encloses two smaller stone circles. The history books state it was built for ceremonial purposes, but they forget to take into account the geological data. If they did, they would have known that much of the area was under water at that time.

I hope you enjoy it :+1:


Camera software needs rewriting to hide its shadow too :grin:

Well that was worth the wait. Well done Chris @clinkadink for yet another superb educational and well shot, video. Really enjoyed that :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Well done Chris, the missus says “about bloody time”!

Only you would think of that Karl :wink:

Thanks mate. I needed a kick up the bum to start making again, and the Big Meet gave me that.

Glad you enjoyed it, Andy :+1:


As always, need I say, brilliant :clap:t2:

Cheer John, tell your Mrs … I apologise :disappointed: :laughing:

Glad you enjoyed it pal :+1:

Thanks Rich, maybe this helps you out with your next mission … wink wink :wink:

Oh, and John … I have 3 more ready to edit, so hopefully I claw back some brownie points from Mrs Hotrod :sweat_smile:

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I was literally thinking that whilst watching it,
It’s kinda mad really, as I stumbled across all your videos on YT, before I even joined GADC, or even knew who you was, which was when I also subscribed, keep them coming :blush:

She did say can you leave out the “mini planet” bits, they do her head in! :laughing:

@clinkadink.Yet another master piece Chris. I hope your new committee post will not get in the way of more future productions.

How long it it take you just to get out of the house :smile:

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Thanks Bruce. Flying, filming and creating vids is #1 priority, anything else comes second :+1:

About 3 minutes, including a coffee. Why?

All the Camera angles must take ages to set up

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Once again a great video Chris but would like to have seen a nod to Alexander Keller, the man who excavated and restored most of what can be seen today in the 30’s & 40’s and also created the museum there. :slight_smile:

It’s easier than you’d imagine. I just keep the camera rolling, pick it up and put in a new place … then slice it up in post. I am sure that’s not the right way to do it … but it is quick :wink:

Hi Martin, it’s a good shout. I’ve studied Alexander Keiller’s work in depth … and yes, he’s the reason for a lot of the Avebury sites (not just Avebury) existing today. I have given mentions to him in previous videos.

He even “owned” Avebury site between 1925 and 1939 :star_struck:

I chopped about 2/3rds of the footage from this Avebury video, as it was getting long … and folk don’t seem to want to watch long vids.

That said, I have most of the footage to now continue the Avebury series showing the interconnecting sites of Silbury Hill, the Sanctuary, West Kennet Avenue, etc … including a tour around the Alexander Keiller museum at museum.

Thanks :+1: