Balloon Popping

@Steviegeek set the challenge (with a prize of a crate of beer for the winner), to take down his retirement balloon! Well I couldn’t resist (a shame everyone else did!)

Anyways, here’s a short video of the fun…

I highly recommend a pack of balloons and a bottle of Helium to any meet organisers… (Beers a bonus!) hic!


that was quick :+1:

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The video? Stevies work life? Or… :smiley: :smiley:

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Happy retirement @Steviegeek :slight_smile:

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Happy retirement @Steviegeek

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Happy retirement, mate!

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Enjoy retirement Stevie. You will soon wonder how you ever managed to find time for work :slight_smile:

Balloon popping was discussed by Chall Com as a potential Birthday Challenge task but it was decided that letting the GADC members loose with sharp objects might not be the best idea we have ever had. Having seen the video though …

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Props aren’t sharp… Well not when they on the ground. When 15,000rpm they feel a lot sharper :smiley: :smiley:

Thanks Rob
Hope your recovery is progressing at a good rate :slight_smile:

Enjoy your retirement steve @Steviegeek. Just think of all the airtime you’ll get now.

Happy retirement steve, time to relax now :wink:

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Thanks Steve - coming along well for recovery from heart attack, get knocked back for a couple of days each month after chemo. Like playing snakes and ladders with my health :sunglasses:

Have a great retirement Steve :+1:t3:

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Thanks everybody for your retirement good wishes.
It’s going good so far :+1: :smile:


I bet… so much free time… Oh how envious I am!

Keep busy! :slight_smile: