BIG MEET - 9th to 11th June, 2023

I probably belong to around 30 or so.

The majority are business related and I do well via them.

Probably should however swap to a regular number rather than a mobile.

WhatsApp biggest concern for me is Meta.

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Following Brexit, we were no longer protected by EU. Swiftly followed by Mark Wankaburger enforcing a “You must accept these new T&Cs” to all UK WhatsApp members (Jan 2021). Which basically allowed him to use UK data as he sees fit.

The same day, I advised all family and friends to ditch WhatsApp and move to Telegram. Which many did. And so did millions of others users.

In the following 72 hours of the WhatsApp change, Telegram revealed it had welcomed 25 million users.

TL;DR … if you’re fine with your personal data being sold to the highest bidder … keep using WhatsApp. Otherwise, switch to Telegram (or Signal).


Sadly, GADC is non political (and rightly so), or I would say what is really thing about the situation we have ended in. The fat cat society is upon us.

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Didn’t know that :point_up:t2::scream:

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I did the same, unfortunately a lot didn’t bother to move, lots also moved to Signal. The amount of messaging apps I have on my phone, some to just communicate with 2 or 3 people is ridiculous.

Bring back good ol SMS.

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Could we get this topic back on the subject of the meet-up please? :blush:


OK. I like drones, tents, tutus, beer, campfires and portaloos.

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It never went away. :man_shrugging:t3:


160 characters, 25 a month included, all others 12p each. Good times

dont forget climbing trees…



But tutus are fine, right :man_shrugging:

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I’d love to come for the day… camping isn’t my thing, but I’m just about within a reasonable commute of Corby… Looking forward to finding out what the dates will be.

Only if you’re morphing into a ladyboy…


The poll for which weekend the Big Meet will be held this year is now closed and we can confirm the dates to be

Friday 9th - Sunday 11th June

*Note All confirmed details will be added to the top of the first post in this thread as they are confirmed


Surely the vote was for either?

Just wondering why the date is the second weekend rather than the first, giving the second as a fallback if the weather is poor.

Hopefully the 9th will be great weather.

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Well personally I’m really happy that we have a firm date as the second weekend.

There’s no way I could make the first date as I’m not even in the country. I could not keep the second weekend open “just-in-case”, my schedule gets too full to start doing that. So if it had been a case of “first weekend with the option of the second”, the likelihood would be that I would not be able to attend on either.

Suffice to say, it’s now booked in my calendar and I will be there “come hell or high water”.

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We have given the confirmed date as the weekend where most people are available to attend Ian (can attend either weekend plus the 7 that can attend only on 9th-11th June). To help put your mind at rest, Lance @Njoro has talked to the farmer and in the event that the weather is so bad that we cant hold the Big Meet we have options to push it back to later in the summer :+1:t2: