Bit of flying at Brean and a close vid of the beach

Got out to do some flying when the wife looks for sea glass. bit blowy but zino 2 doing well . lost sight of it and crashed it into the beach :frowning: Got some good footage of the crash :roll_eyes:


Did you forget to upload it? :man_shrugging:t2:

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not uploaded it yet :slight_smile:

here it is :slight_smile:

Added the link to your OP. :+1:

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Ouch :scream:

Did it survive??

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think the gimbals got sand in it . havnt started it up yet

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As an avid coastal flyer the wind is never your friend. Do you check wind speeds before you fly? Judging by the cloud shadow it was moving pretty quickly and you have to remember the higher you climb the faster the wind speed increases and you’re more at risk of sudden gusts.

I personally don’t fly in a wind speed of over 11mph in coastal areas, regardless of what DJI say what gust speed it can withstand up to.

Good news you were able to recover it. :+1:

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