Blackpool prom

Ok here goes first attempt at 360. Blackpool prom mirror ball.


But why doesn’t it show my little globe?

it depends on how you did the upload

just a little critique here I would have gone a little over the beach a little so you can see the tall structure that your over a bit better

Post the embedded link to get the larger one-box preview, like this


@Seadog ive also edited the title so it is more searchable relating to the subject :wink:

Thanks for that I’ll try that next time. TBH it was first time flying in frz(with permission), it was still quite windy (NE 18 knots) and bloody freezing. I was just happy to do a little flying and going through the protocols with the airport. I’ll get more adventurous with practise.

Ah! That’s better. Cheers.

Use this link

Got it, I think.:sunglasses:

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The area your in is perfect for this sort of thing - great view but I just feel like I want to see the tower not the top - but for a first time flying in the FRZ and with winds you did a cracking job.

It’s often hard to find what will work on a Pano - what is the long building behind the tall one on the prom ? - mmm I think I may have the tall thing as not being tall but being round - I guess thats the ball ? I think I can see the sky in the top of it and your sat next to it. Do love a good pano to have a good look around - thanks

I positioned the drone (mini 2se), over the mirror ball (south prom), about 70 m. The building across the road is the Solaris. If you look beyond the right hand corner of grassy area beyond the houses, that’s the airport. A fair amount of air traffic about but mostly clear of me as using runway 10. When wind is in its more usual westerly I’d be directly below flight path for the local traffic.

A little further south is the “Submarine”, my next target, possibly tomorrow.

All about 10 min walk from home.

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Maybe not, it’s gone.:roll_eyes: