Blackpool town centre

DJI and their made up, self-imposed, flight restrictions :roll_eyes:

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Yes your not kidding I had to get email from ATC Liverpool NOTAMS said it was closed on that day and I was restricted to 60 m altitude got the shots for client but it’s not the point it’s taking the P1ss

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It’s why so many people mod :blush:

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DJI’s map shows restrictions associated with Warton, yet totally ignores the zones around Blackpool Airport and Springfields near Preston ( former British Nuclear Fuels site )

Another place I wanted to fly at today shows as clear on the NATS map…

But the DJI map wouldn’t let me take off :frowning:

I think it’s only DJI drones affected by this, as I have seen drone shots from the location I wanted to fly in.

I wonder if it would let me takeoff in St Annes, which isn’t in any zone on the DJI map but lies inside the NFZ from Blackpool Airport on the NATS map :thinking:

Yes I understand that, DJI are pretty quick getting it sorted ie 10 mins ATC Liverpool are good Manchester very slow though and form filling , Blackpool still have not got back to me after form submitted for a week ffs grrrr Tried Flyde council to do a job taking off on foreshore still waiting

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I’ll let you try out my Autel Evo at the next north west meet up, zero built in restrictions :smiley:


I tried to fly Lytham Windmill Friday morning, DJI would not let me take off yet on NATS it is just outside the Warton FRZ. Same with Blackpool, the Pleasure Beach is well inside the FRZ but DJI will let me fly there(not that I have, just did it as a test).


Yes, the DJI FlySafe map doesn’t seem to include Blackpool airport

Another puzzling thing about the DJI restrictions - one site I have flown from is within the 150m altitude limitation area according to DJI. The particular location is 40m above sea level, and I flew to 120m AGL which would put me at 160m ASL - I guess the 150m limit must refer to local ground level

Near the go cart track, if you take off from there you get the 150m warning, fly out towards the sea and come back again and the warning flashes up again, no restriction zones anywhere near that location.

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