Bloody weather! ... and flyability

I wouldn’t like the end to collapse :open_mouth::laughing:

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Im 14 stone and have used it a lot, never collapsed on me yet. Struggling to find stock in the UK though.

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I’m off to try & grab some wintry piccy’s shortly & shall be wearing shorts :cold_face::rofl: seriously !

where are the bees?

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It’s times like these that hibernation seems attractive :hedgehog:

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Temps dropped to -8.9C in the back garden last night.

Word on the street is that it was even colder in the North East? :scream:

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that’s cos them yourshiremen turn the 'eatin on less than the rest of us…

less of that heat island effect

… pass me a sand bag please… ( incoming fire anticipated)

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so I won’t get 31 minutes flying time out of a battery, with my Mini 4K?

Heating ?

Nuff Said… :rofl: :rofl:


-19 in Altnaharra last night

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if that was plus 19c it wouldn’t be warm enough for inside our house according to the wife!! :hot_face::hot_face:

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