Thought I would try to gain more confidence flying over water at the weekend so headed to Blyth boat yard. When flying about I was amazed at how many seagulls were getting very close to the MP and swooping by it. I had been there about half an hour and thought I would give a hyperlapse ago so positioned the MP about 20 foot up in the centre of the river and set it away taking a pic every 2 seconds heading up the river with the setting sun in the centre of the frame. After about 5 minutes my mate shouted “40 shit hawks inbound” when i looked up all i could see was a flock of them heading straight for the drone.
I closed my eyes and thought its going in the river luckily the one bird that was heading straight for it turned at the last second and just and i mean just missed the Mavic. Well that was it for me i brought her straight back to me and packed up and went home to change my kegs.
All was not lost as the video footage was ok bit the hyperlapse was a no go.
Nice footage - do it again ! Soon .
Top tip, if flocks of birds (or shit hawks) are paying a little too much attention to your drone, just go up! Straight up!!
I shall remember that the next time I get the wow!!!..WTF was that moment ?