Breaking the speed limit - How fast is your drone? Find out on our leaderboard!

A windy day in @clinkadink -ville, is what you need.


Ooops - sorry pardon :blush: :blush:

Seriously though - I’m actually surprised its only ~ 10mph faster in ATTI mode :man_shrugging:
First time I’ve used it in ATTI mode as I’d like to learn to fly ATTI with a bit more proficiency - will probably pick a less windy day next time so I very much doubt I’ll be going any quicker but it did show how much GPS does during flight :flushed: :thinking: :+1:


Post it to me, John. I’ll test that theory :grin:

Exactly this :point_up:

Not only is it good to know what to do when you lose GPS positioning, but it also makes stunning video shots … drifting past the target without worrying about judder from GPS ‘air brakes’ :+1:

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Leaderboard updated!

Congrats on your new Speed Freak badge @Jhdee :smiley:


And @clinkadink would be proud, I even remembered to update the Last Updated bit :blush:

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... checking ...

... verified ...

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You mean windier day :small_airplane::dash::rofl:


Thank you kindly chief - but I’m sure you’ll be taking it back shortly :man_shrugging: :grin:


Claiming it back form you today, John :slight_smile:

Did a few ATTI mode runs at the Wigan meet this morning but the weather was too good for flying, there wasn’t so much as a breeze :roll_eyes:

I tried all four directions too, desperately looking for some wind to piggy back on the atti mode, but the weather was having none of it :blush:

I’ll try again on a windier day!


Very “Enterprising”. So hot you should have grabbed a thermal image. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Well done Rich @PingSpike - never expected to hold on to it for too long.

Just checked back on my flight and when the wind was at its strongest I was faffing about with the thermal camera :man_facepalming: - I obviously need some training from The Maestro @clinkadink :thinking: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:


Impressed with the Mavic 3 in the wind today, absolutely rock solid.

I’m advancing the Mavic 3E speed record from its previous 56.08mph up to 73.26mph today.

Switched to ATTI mode at 8:29 and we were off! :running_man:t2: :dash:


That’s good news Rich as we now know it’s not limited when put into ATTI - unlike some of the other recent DJI drones which appear to be top speed limited. :clap: :clap: :clap:

That’s a good step up and more like what the Mavic 3 is really capable of - told you I wouldn’t hang onto it for long and your new record will stand for some time to come :clap: :clap: :clap:


Can I claim the record for Air 2 please? 31st August at The Big Meet :grin:
49.86mph, although with pretty light winds at the time, I’m sure I can do better!!!


Leader-board updated!

Speed Freak Badge awarded!



I’m confident that this is NOT a new record for Avata 2, but it’s still my personal best. :ok_hand:t2::sunglasses:


Did you check the Leader-board?

Yes, Craig has the record at just over 74mph, so I’m a close 2nd or 3rd.

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Close though, just a few more mph and you’d be a contender :star_struck:

Congrats :smiley:

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Can I be the first ro register a new top max speed for the DJI Neo please.

Flown on Sun 15th Sept 2024, at Chesterfield Bando, in full manual mode.


This will put me in 36th position on the overall league table, but the fastest NEO speed up to yet.