Breaking the speed limit - How fast is your drone? Find out on our leaderboard!

The Drone Code limits how high we can fly, along with how far (VLOS). What they don’t restrict, is how fast we can fly. So with that in mind, just a bit of fun, what’s the fastest you’ve ever flown your drone? :grimacing:

Post as many entries as you like, no limit on how old the flight was (or how recent). Only one of each make/model aircraft will occupy the leaderboard :slight_smile: Entries must be links to the full flight log on AirData if flying a supported model drone or screenshots of whatever app your drone flies with that records / proves your speed.

Members worldwide are able to participate and will earn the Speed Freak badge if they beat a current position on the Leaderboard, but only UK members will featured on the Leaderboard.

Due to the competitive nature of the leaderboard, flight logs will be requested. Do not be offended, it’s not personal.

Breaking The Speed Limit - Current Leaderboard

LAST UPDATED: 16/01/2025 @ 19:39

Position Speed (MPH) Drone Pilot
1 162.79 Selfbuild @Cedric
2 150.99 Nazgul 5 v2 @Howard78
3 118.24 DJI FPV @UAVShipSpotter
4 113.90 Custom FPV Wing @Steviegeek
5 100.28 DJI Mini 2 @clinkadink
6 89.03 DJI Inspire 2 @HTS
7 83.68 DJI Avata 2 @360_FPV
8 80.79 Flywoo Explorer LR 4 HD @bmsleight
9 80.26 DJI Mavic 2 Pro @clinkadink
10 80.04 DJI Mavic 3 Classic @kirky
11 79.97 DJI Avata @SparkyFPV
12 77.73 DJI Mavic 2 Zoom @stevesb
13 76.88 Mini 3 Pro @clinkadink
14 75.79 Yuneec Typhoon H Pro @stevesb
15 73.26 DJI Mavic 3 Enterprise @PingSpike
16 69.72 DJI Inspire 1 @PingSpike
17 68.96 DJI Air 3 @clinkadink
18 68.90 Parrot Disco @Nidge
19 68.64 DJI Mavic 3 Pro @DroneGeek
20 68.36 DJI Air 2S @McSteamy2010
21 67.22 Mini 4 Pro @clinkadink
22 58.96 DJI Phantom 3 @Mike357
23 54.80 DJI F450 ‘Flamewheel’ @Steviegeek
24 54.20 DJI Mavic Pro @Cobblers
25 52.03 DJI Phantom P4 @MementoMori
26 51.85 DJI M30 @Nik469
27 51.40 DJI Mavic 3 @speatuk
28 49.86 DJI Air 2 @mynameisjoe
29 49.23 DJI M210 @macspite
30 48.16 DJI Air 3S @UAVShipSpotter
31 47.40 DJI Spark @Ted_Maul
32 46.93 DJI Neo @TheBinman
33 46.60 Chimera 4 Lr @Howard78
34 46.30 DJI Mavic Air @Longstride
35 45.17 DJI Phantom P4P @MementoMori
36 44.05 DJI Matrice 600 Pro @mickydd
37 42.69 Parrot Anafi @Alkahest
38 40.18 Parrot Bebop 2 @Howard78
39 36.24 DJI Mini 3 @GhostWsM
40 34.43 Autel Evo 2 Pro @PingSpike
41 33.55 PowerEgg X @Nidge
42 30.22 DJI Mavic Mini @GunjaFPV
43 30.11 DJI Mini SE @spilsby52
44 27.27 Autel Evo Nano @PingSpike
45 24.83 DJI Mini 4k @Gugby
46 21.81 Cheerson CX20 @stevesb

Inspire 1 hit 42.6mph on my maiden flight with it :open_mouth: No wind either… If no one beats this with an i1 then I’ll be back to challenge my own title once I’ve gotten used to it :wink:


Mavic Pro 40.8mph with a medium tail wind :+1:

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I’m guessing it won’t be long before someone has knocked me off both those # 1 slots :blush:

Who’ll have the fastest Spark to sit on the leaderboard?

Fastest Phantom 3? 4?

And the inevitable I guess… who’ll be the first to knock me off the Mavic Pro top slot :stuck_out_tongue:


Mavic Pro


Where does it say Mavic Pro? :thinking:


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It says it where I say it’s all I have. The Cheerson don’t record data. :wink:

Go on then, I’ll believe you… :rofl:

Leaderboard updated :+1:

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Ah yes! Car chasing day! :+1:


Edit: Might be time to hook my MP up to my laptop. :wink: :wink:

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I’m sure my entry won’t stay #1 for long.

Right … hack the MP parameters and find a WINDY day. :+1:

Edit: I have a second reason for building a cheap (aka disposable) MP, now! LOL

Weight reduction, bigger motors, bigger props …… :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m well down 36.4
I was a bit shocked though to see 2 flights on the same day in June in excess of 1000ft high.
I think I’d only just stopped using beginner mode.



Looks like 30 m/s on graph but I’ll call it 29.5 to be safe.

Works out as 106.2 km/h or 65.9mph



Impressive mate :smiley:

Leaderboard updated :clap:


I can see an imminent post from @callum
“There I was … 68mph wind … so I could just get home … steep dive downwind …. 150mph” :wink:


I only wish the racing drone recorded speed :wink:

I’m expecting to be knocked off the top by a phantom or inspire downwind in ATTI mode.


Time for a little tracker on the racer! :wink:

People used to attach them to their P2s … great data capture, actually.


One of these …
I’m sure it’s possible to hook it up to most things … mainly just power and GPS links, I think. Got close to getting one, but didn’t bother in the end.


Challenge accepted :rofl:


Mavic Air - 42.7mph

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