Breaking the speed limit - How fast is your drone? Find out on our leaderboard!

Sorry mate :man_running::dash:

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It will be in manual b4 long and we will have a race on to get the fastest.

Please make sure there are no trees about when you are flying. #letsclimbontheroofoftherevoque


You are more than welcome to … I sold it!!! :laughing:


What have you got now ? :thinking:

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A massive boot on wheels :joy:

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Arrr …… I remember the post now :+1: nice one

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I’ve had that a fair few times on the dji fpv. Apparently, it’s a glitch that happens when close to or in a restricted area/zone.
Not a great thing to happen when mid power loop thats for sure

Hmmm. I did read the same in a forum. But the nearest one is about 6km to the north :thinking:

It’s definitely a glitch. I fly in the same spots frequently and it usually happens one in four flights I’d say.

nothing done by dji to remove it either :man_shrugging:

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I will try a different location, if nothing else, it will rule out it being due to a restricted zone. As you say though, the glitch is right pain in the arse … expecially when trying out manual for the first time.

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UPDATE: Airdata got back to me and showed me the data included “Motion controller compass error”.

I have now calibrated the motion controller and all works fine👍


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Out at Barbury Castle trying to get to grips with Manual mode with the DJI Avata. Did 3 batteries, other than take off, all in manual. Just synced my Airdata and spotted this :wink:

I have had no crashes to date, until today, floor bombed it twice on the last battery. The little fella aint looking impressed either. Bounces well though :man_shrugging:

And for those wondering about the FCC hack regarding penetration, it is rock solid … compared to before. You will see the copse in the above Airdata map, went round that with full bars, no drop out at all in the goggles … and that was a huge copse compared to a couple of trees before the hack.

@OzoneVibe … I think that’s another 5 places up the board :smiley:


I’m in a restaurant trying to have a peaceful meal, damn it! :crazy_face:

Dave … priorities mate :joy:

Indeed! My stomach wins every time!

Does McDonalds count as a restaurant?


Food is so important to me, I even read about it when I’m in a restaurant.


A book I’m really enjoying, too. :+1:

Well then I’ve definitely not been to a restaurant today in-between quad building then

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