Bridge 16 is just 2 or 3 minutes walk from my home, on the Leeds - Liverpool canal. It is the nearest bridge to the Millennium Link - which opened in 2002.
The Ribble Link connects the once-isolated Lancaster Canal to the rest of the national waterway network.The idea for the Millennium Ribble Link dates back 200 years to the promotion of the Lancaster Canal. There were several proposals for linking the two halves of the Lancaster Canal, north and south of the Ribble, but they were expensive and eventually a tramroad was built.
There were other schemes to link the Leeds & Liverpool Canal at Tarleton with the Lancaster Canal at Preston, but they came to nothing, as did the idea of a floating towpath across the Ribble with a short canal from the river to the Lancaster Canal.The dream of connecting the Lancaster Canal to the rest of the inland waterway network never fully died, however, and an alternative scheme was devised to canalise the Savick Brook at the southern end of the waterway.
The £5.4 million project received a major boost when the Ribble Link Trust successfully bid for a grant of £2.7 million from the Millennium Commission.