I suspect this is only of consequence if you ever plan to fly in Europe.
By the time the UK recognises C classes, the mini 38 will be the current model.
@Redskinblack If you intend to fly higher from TO point than 120m (up a mountain for instance) in the EU then you will have to reclass it as C1 and accept the restrictions that come with the classification. It would make no difference to your flights in UK as the classification system was not adopted by the CAA.
If you want the freedoms that come with a C0 EU class of drone, ie flying over people then choose this option but it will not fly higher than 120m from TO point in the EU ( this restriction is automatically removed in non EU airspace).
Apparently it has been made slightly easier in that you don’t have to wait for the sticker to come through the post; it is included in the bo with the drone.
@SparkyFPV I wonder Wayne, if it was because it was a replacement drone for one that had been purchased before Jan 24, thereby replacing like for like? I’m getting de ja vu!