CAA Call for Input: Review of UK UAS Regulations

From CAA today:



No, just noā€¦ We all just need to just on that part of itā€¦

I guess from my POV, increased weight allowances, BVLOS and spotter < 250/500g maybe Iā€™ll put it. Will take time to complete this sometime.

But Remote IDā€¦ NO not here thanks!

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Page 20ā€¦

FFS, plus worse than the US they recognising that < 250g should also be covered as they just as capable of spying, and infringing air spaceā€¦ Itā€™s simpleā€¦ ā€œIf a criminal wants to be criminal theyā€™ll just NOT have remote IDā€¦ā€ FFS.

Thatā€™s us. We are stakeholders.

Numerically there are more of us wanting to explore the sky than companies wanting to exploit the sky.

XJet ( Bruce) will be having a hissy on Geeksvana tonight . Sean will be apoplectic :wink::wink::wink:

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Ooohh another bed time sleeping video to watch! Yay!


Reading through the document, it seems like the CAA are now looking at the C marking system ( much like/ same as the EU model) Itā€™ll be interesting to see how theyā€™re going to handle ā€œ Legacy dronesā€ .

I have had a quick skim read, and Iā€™m a bit conflicted.
I do believe that the current terminology used (open, specific, certified, sub category A1, A2 etc) are not easy to understand, and I would guess that many drone purchasers have no understanding of them.
I can see the benefits of renaming them BUT by sticking with these, we remain in sync with the rest of Europe. If we go off and do our own thing, will that lack of synchronisation with Europe hurt us in the long run? Iā€™m pretty sure that DJI are unlikely to make significant changes to their drones to match UK regs better as we are a small market on our own?

Am I talking rubbish (its quite likely!!)?

But hey weā€™ve got our ā€œSOVRENTEEEEEEā€ backā€¦ Whoā€™d have thunk itā€¦ (Sorry political rant OT there, but just so annoyed at the racists in charge atm!)

That bit Iā€™m totally on board with. It is hard to understand, so hard (just look at the number of questions on here about where can fly, etc), so simplifying that would be great.

Also a great point made by @BadManners , about the number of hobbyists vs. companies. The hobby just gets harder and harder, and my daughter has shown massive interest in the hobby. Some kids last night were loving it. I used to fly rockets, and little balsa planes with my brotherā€¦ Can I do that now? I dunnoā€¦ Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m legal whenever I fly, but never quite sure, never have the total confidence. We can have the information easily at our fingertips these days, so make it clearerā€¦ yes Good 2 go is a useful tool, but if the regulating body can make it clearer, fantastic.


How did you guess?

Awwwww. I will sleep well tonight!

It does worry me that they may be under pressure to change it ā€¦ just so that they have something that they can claim is a benefit of Brexit ā€¦ oops, getting close to a rant myself there :wink:


Ahh , my innate ability to see into the future ( apart from that one time my mini 3 P crashed and broke the gimbal :joy::joy::joy::joy:
Anyway the weather is absolutely perfect for flying at the moment and Iā€™m wasting valuable time to nab my next entry in the birthday comp. ( another 3 points at least, coming my way ) :wink::wink:

Quote" Despite current UAS regulation, some UAS are used unlawfully for smuggling, harassment, and infringement of sensitive sites."

And will continue to do so, with the only difference being a UAS of ā€˜oldā€™ design, or God forbid something newer with Remote ID disabled, will be used.
No to remote ID!

Exactlyā€¦ There are speed limits for drivers, and guess whatā€¦ people continue to break the speed limits. Letā€™s limit every car to 70mph, or put in a tracker (RID is more like a tracker I guess, not quite, but easier to understand). Cars can also drive into areas theyā€™re not meant to, lets geo fence those tooā€¦

I genuinely (especially if they network it with base stations), donā€™t want people a few miles away discovering where Iā€™m located in a remote field, respecting the law etcā€¦ Letā€™s put RID on dogs, with their owners location, and track whether they let their dog miles away from them without recallā€¦

With ADB-S on manned aircraft, make that mandatory on all manned aircraft, and our drones detect that (the DJI FPV does). Educate people better for sure, simplify it. But RID is NOT for safetyā€¦

Put things on the delivery drones (if that is the real reason), so we can see an app of them all, donā€™t hit the hobbyist for this, just donā€™t. Need a coherent answer to reply to these guys, please all think and do it before the deadline and HIT back on RID.

Quote" Despite current UAS regulation, some UAS are used unlawfully for smuggling, harassment, and infringement of sensitive sites."
No shit Sherlock. Much like their earlier statement claiming that they know all about the ā€œunreported crashes and accidentsā€ ( when if they are unreported, exactly how do they record them ?)

Iā€™ve never let my drones infringe on my sensitive sitesā€¦ :thinking: :thinking:

Gunja, I once almost sliced my little finger off with my Phantom 3 :smiley:

Prop injuries common and normally fingers I hope! Despite an arm switch I managed to twat myself with a 10inch prop yesterday, by leaning over, it arming then the throttle being pushed upā€¦ Woohoo!

Depends what we need to report. Think all my crashes been pride related :wink:

Ahh and the CAA donā€™t actually tell us. I mean Iā€™m hardly expecting the AAIB to investigate, when my drone unexpectedly hits the rose bush in my garden ( and I donā€™t think Iā€™d need to report this to the CAA)
I did catch some railings whilst landing ( my fault really, shouldnā€™t have been as close) and broke the gimbal after falling 3 ft to the ground head first. Should I have informed the CAA ?