Can the flight records from DJI Fly be logged with flights from GO4?

Hi all, just a quick question. Can the flight records from the mini 2 app be logged with the go4 app, therefore giving a total flight time?

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You’ll need to combine records from multiple drones, apps, etc all in to one place.

Although the Fly App does include all your totals for the GO4 app if you’re logged into same account (just won’t show the logs in any detail)

Mine doesn’t.
Mine only shows the flight logs that have been generated in the fly app and the same for the Go4 app. That only shows logs that have been generated in the Go4 app.

Airdata though shows the full total.

The “totals” on your profile page should match though? (as Chris suggested).

Just nothing when you click through to the “more” section.

No sign of any Litchi or GO3 flights in either, but I’d kinda expect that :slight_smile:

It does indeed.

Check it out @Skyrunner1 as it’ll give you access to all your Inspire flights too.

Plus, you’re eligible for our exclusive 20% members discount with Airdata too :smiley:

Ok, thanks for the resounding Airdata answer. Very much appreciated.