I’m on it … !
I jest of course. But I have probably done about 25km in the past 24 hours with Litchi.
Badge granted!
Cheers Dave!!!
Congrats man! That’s a rather exclusive club still
Working on it! When the time comes, will a DJI Fly screen grab be acceptable? (AirData is a little behind because it is missing approx 5 logs)
Your average flight is 4km
I guess you’re saying that’s quite far? I do like holding up on the right stick. I think I’ll wait til AirData catches up to 500km if my stats seem unusual.
But I only average 15km/h. That probably seems slow to you
Yes. Based on your average flight, you are flying 4km, compared to me … that’s a lot more distance per flight. I’ve just past the 500km marker, but have done more than 3 times as many flights … meaning my flights, on average, are 3 times shorter (distance) than yours.
It’s neither here nor there at the end of the day. But it’s a stat. And I love stats
I really need to remember what 500km is in miles.
Sheesh, I need to up my game! I’m only on 79km in total…watch this space!
Sheesh, I need to up my game! I’m only on 79km in total…watch this space!
I have just added this to the map of places to fly your drone at Drone Scene:
Land owner permission requirements unknown.
Was able to park and fly from the location pinned.
was able to get some good shots of the lifeboat station, theferry terminal and Fleetwood in general
The originator declared that this location was not inside a Flight Restriction Zone at the time of being flown on 27/02/2022. It remains the responsibility of any pilot to check for any changes before flying at the same location.
Just one more for the Gold Badge @stevesb
That’ll be nice, but i think i need to try harder, I’ve been slacking recently
I’m not far off long haul either, about 4km, hope to do that this week weather and fatigue permiting.
Still waiting on celebrity after having a clip on BBC NWT
Litchi, circular FAST missions. Won’t take long.
Blast up and down morecambe seafront should take 10 min or less in sports mode. Thats what 6k took today
This is where Litchi helps … you can have a kip whilst it’s clocking up the km.
There’s nothing in the legislation that says your eyes actually have to be open to conform to VLOS.
I’d be wary flying here at certain times of year - there’s often a pair of peregrine falcons nesting on it, and they can be a bit aggressive if they have chicks in the nest