OK! so went out this morning having re set m2p settings for video did a bit of flying about on my local ground testing things out, settings are better but still need tweaking for my heavy hands, will process and post something on that later, but for now I had a very near miss on the way back.
the walk I go on I’ve been wanting to record but always too busy (dog walkers or cars) today it was quiet so went for it! drone at between 2’ and 6’ height just in front of me, new problem! learning to control height as it goes uphill (you’d have wet yourself laughing at my attempts)
anyway drone decides _Batterie low so I cancel it after all its only a couple of feet in front of me
get another message about RTH and the bloody thing takes off skyward to rth, only problem is we are under trees I’m frantically hammering the cancel and all I can see on screen is branches.
I can laugh now but in that moment I was crapping it
luckily managed to miss branches and stop the ascent into the very thick part .
about 35 secs in Rth
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Woah that was close
I’ve been wanting to do the same thing, so lessons are, plenty of battery and hover the finger over cancel!!
I’d also set RTH on disconnect to hover if you are flying under anything.
Close one there!! well saved
Good advice
Mine had a slight disagreement with the top of a rugby post the other day!
Total noob moment and a huge lesson learnt
I will try it again when the weather improves but this time with rth off, tripod mode (?) and a fully charged batterie, hopefully get the full lane, it goes right down to the river.