Colourful blue and green masterpiece from the skies of Coventry

It’s been a while since I’ve flown my drone but I charged it up and took it for a flight on my break and got what I think is a fairly decent photo of some fields.

Here’s for some decent weather in the UK :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:


Can you give us a bit more info @AJE ?

A topic title of “lunch time flight” isn’t very enticing for people to click on :blush:

Where was you flight?

I was well excited tbf, more than some!

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Was just near my house :joy: nothing very exciting round here…. Call it a Colourful blue and green masterpiece from the skies of Coventry :joy::joy::joy: bit far fetched but might get the clicks aye


Good man, that’s the spirit! :smiley: