I’m available for weddings, birthdays, bar mitzvah and of course plane chasing!
Flown with my AOS O3, 6S… Any jello was caused by extreme damage to props on an impact… Lets just say on was very loose, slipping and the motor screamed, and burnt my hand! Still fun times!
Great vid Martin,
I love that Mini Goose, superb in yellow. You were braver yesterday, got quite close
Must have been still on an adrenilin rush after the X-class
Trust me it’s beyond repair. HE HATED THAT plane, hence allowing us to hit it with quads It’s actually damned hard to hit a plane when you trying to! Though first attempt at head on, worked rather well it turns out!
Well if I can get it back… I’ll give you two a challenge… All I know is I hear the sound of wood and foam being jumped on and put in a bin bag whilst flying my next pack goggles on! I had a few prop issues after the impact to sort… lol