So, we set out this evening for a dusk flight at Salfrod Quays, with the light in the sky and the reflections of the lit up buildings I thought it would be great - not realising Manchester United were doing something and there were about a million folks all over the place, so no chance of flying as too crowded…
Plan B, head to Jackson Crescent Park and get some shots of the Manchester Skyline, arrived after a 30 minute drive through ridiculous traffic and set up, the park was locked, so we took off from the rise to an overpass, and the footage looked amazing…
However, being totally imersed in the flight - at 388 ft to capture the tower block I was concentrating on, and flying sideways using a POI, this idiot managed to hit something and fall 388 feet out of the sky, landing on the very edge of Mancunian Way…
My own stupid fault, knowing we were going away I should have taken the hint when the quays were busy and come home, but I though I would be clever, and poor mighty midge paid the price… 21 seconds in free fall, 6 broken props, gimbal stuck and body has sprung a couple of panel joins have sprung, and I have lost my polarising filter… We both heard it land and bounce, took us 30 minutes of searching to find it, but surpisingly it is still in one piece and even still flies!
Lesson learned, dont fly so close, take the time to look around with the drone before flying sideways and dont be a know it all! Hubby is calling me a crash test dummy, and I think I deserve a PLONKER Badge as I now wont have Might Midge for our epic Scotland trip in just 3 days time…
Pic is of the landing site…