Derwent Dam - Added to Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty in East Midlands

I have just added this to the map of places to fly your drone at Drone Scene:

Land owner permission not required.

The originator declared that this location was not inside a Flight Restriction Zone at the time of being flown on 25/02/2022. It remains the responsibility of any pilot to check for any changes before flying at the same location.


Thanks for adding to the map Keith @thewhoosh

I’m surprised this one wasn’t already on there!

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You’re welcome, yes its a fab location :smiley:

I thought Derwent Dam was owned by the NT.
These is no taking off onsite and there are “No Drone” signs everywhere.

I think this should be updated on the pin to reflect this is actually a no fly zone. Or should I say, no take off zone.

So what if it is? :man_shrugging:t2:

I don’t know how accurate this NT boundary is but the dam is outside of the blue area:

But either way, the beauty of a drone is that you can take off from point A and fly to point B eh? :smiley:


I think you will find that Severn Trent own the reservoirs of the derwent valley and works including the dams. The no drone signs must be well hidden as I did not see any at Fairholm car park or at the dam itself. The Areas that the National trust own are sign posted above the valley.


Keith. I frequent this dam quite a lot I do a lot of walking here. The no drone signs are everywhere.
For you to have missed them I fear you may have just not been looking. But hey ho. No drama.

The 360 you did is a good one. I would be well happy with that. :blush:

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discreet removal required :wink: :grinning:

I found this article that made interesting reading

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I scoured the 360 pano … couldn’t see a single no-drones sign. :crazy_face:

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Wow, this is so unbelievable. I also checked on a few other maps and I don’t see any restrictions.

Has anyone been there recently to this place? Thanks in advance.

Is 25th Feb not recent enough for you? :slight_smile:

The only doubt I have is it’s a national park. Are we allowed to fly over UK National Parks?

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Oops sorry, I didn’t notice that post. My apologies PingSpike.

Provided there are no airspace restrictions (check on Drone Scene).

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Thank you for your reply PingSpike!

There are indeed ‘no drone flying’ signs around the dam’s west tower next to the road.
I would be very cautious about flying here: the valley is frequently used by low flying RAF aircraft ( often Hercules or helis) who pass very low over the dam. Not a place to loiter filming!

And yet there are no flying restrictions in the area :person_shrugging:

Takes you to a login page?

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If you go one level up - Frequently Asked Questions: Peak District National Park - there’s no obvious link to a ‘drones’ FAQ. Maybe they’re rethinking.

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