Firstly apologies if this has already been answered but as a new drone operator I am obviously concerned about flying where I’m not allowed.
To combat this I have downloaded a few apps with maps showing the different zones etc and due to them both being mentioned numerous times I have decided to stick with the DJI app and the NATS app as they are the most popular.
My problem is I live near the Plymouth dockyard at Devonport, this is obviously marked on all maps in blue as a authorisation zone. The DJI app also surrounds this area with a orange circle an enhanced warning zone but the NATS app circles this in red restricted area?
I think I’m right in saying you cannot fly in a area marked as red as this is prohibited but as a orange area you can apply it to be unlocked?
Ordinarily this would not matter as there is normally loads of unrestricted land near me to fly but I would like to take some arial shots of my mothers waterside home which is just inside the red/orange circle depending what app I am using.