Direct video uploads no longer supported

Hi Dave. You need to post onto youtube or vimeo, and then copy and paste the link into your posts. The forum used to host videos, but the cost was extreme, especially to host all the lovely 4k footage we create :slight_smile:


Moved your post here. :+1:

Dave, creating a youtube channel is really straightforward. Just sign up for an account, if you don’t already have one. Click on the ‘create’ button at the top right and upload video. Choose the file you want to upload, wait for it’s upload and processing to be done. That’s it. then from ‘your channel’ grab a link to the video with copy, and paste it into your post.


If you have a Dropbox account you can create a link within Dropbox and then paste it into your posting. It’s not as easy as YouTube and it works best if the file is locally downloaded before playing. But it is an option :slightly_smiling_face:

Don’t forget - Dropbox seems to be effing about the embedding. My recent ones from dropbox won’t play.


try this one …

Paid Dropbox or free?

I do have a paid ‘extra storage’ account, Is that the issue :thinking:

Possibly. I try to pay for nothing.

Not that Dropbox had the courtesy of advising they were making changes. Mine used to work OK.

did mine work for you ?

Yup. Mine doesn’t even work for me! :rofl:

If I were to pay to store video - I’d rather spend the money on Vimeo. Until then - it’s YT.

Yep, I’d prefer VIMEO, the quality always seemed better than YT, better bitrate ???
Problem is to post only 120 per year (2+ a week!) it costs ÂŁ15 month which is a layout of ÂŁ180 billed annually.
I can’t justify that, so as :point_up_2: … it’s YT

Ditto - my free account is full with a handful of time-lapse vids that deserve the definition.

Just use gif’s :slight_smile:


They’re only 256 colours = crap
Zero compression means they’re excessive large.
Try getting just 1 minutes of 1080p into a GIF that’s under 100MB to upload here.

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I would like to share my videos with everyone and thus support each other and improve our techniques. How could I make a publication?

Moved your post to this thread that explains how to post video, now that direct upload is no longer supported.

Can we only upload links to videos?
I tried to upload mine directly from my phone and it doesnt seem to work. I dont have social media or youtube to upload that way.