DJI AIR3S Horizon tilt

@group-air-3s .

Is anyone suffering from horizon tilt on their drone?

I thought I clocked it last time I was out , then obviously with some of the images I took, but dismissed it. While watching the Original Dobo last night, he mentioned he had it straight out of the box, calibrated it, then got it back.

On getting home this morning from flying, all the images I’d taken were tilted to the right. Yes, I have recalibrated the gimble, no I haven’t wellied the gimble :man_shrugging:.

Don’t know whether it’s on the video mode or just the images, not tried.

Not that bothered seeing as I don’t do vids anymore, I can sort images out in post, just wondering if anyone else has it , wait for DJI to update, and it’s sorted.

If it is my drone then it’s gonna have to to DJI to get tweaked

Ady have you tried a manual calibration

Yeah Wayne, well aware of that mate thanks. If it is just mine then it’s going back to DJI, but with what’s his face Dobo mentioning it, I’m guessing it’s more than mine and his units that are affected.

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@Leylo1971 are you saying you can’t fix it with a manual calibration adjustment? :thinking: