Now I get the message Clear PF2 successfull! after clicking the Clear PF2 button
After that message, the rightmost battery LED blinks 4 times and then nothing happens.
I don’t see any current flowing from the power supply to the battery.
Does anyone know what those 4 blinks mean?
Thanks in advance
Here the full log sequence :
This program is designed to unlock DJI Mavic batteries with BQ30Z55 and bq9003 (bq40z307) chips using the CP2112 HID USB to SMBus / I2C adapter. The program is distributed "as is" and the author is not responsible for any consequences caused by the fault of the program.
DJi Battery Killer ver. 0.5 Beta 2
compiled 01.02.2022
Thanks to everyone who helped in the creation and testing of this program ;)
use "Help" button to find the pinout
use "About" button for donate :)
PS Who is in the AndroSean sect, please do not use this free program, use the UBRT program that AndroSean advertises :)
File killer.ini opened successfully
Found 3 profile(s)
CP2112 HID USB to SMBus/I2C adapter successfully opened
CP2112 HID USB to SMBus/I2C adapter successfully configured
Read Info
(00) Manufacturer Access = 0xEF00
(01) Remaining Capacity Alarm = 712 mAh
(02) Remaining Time Alarm = 10 min
(03) Battery Mode = 0x6001
(04) At Rate = 0 mA
(05) At Rate Time To Full = 65535 min(s)
(06) At Rate Time To Empty = 65535 min(s)
(07) At Rate OK = 1
(08) Temperature = 23 C
(09) Voltage = 4934 mV
(0A) Current = 0 mA
(0B) Average Current = 0 mA
(0C) Max Error = 1 %
(0D) RSOC = 0 %
(0E) ASOC = 0 %
(0F) Remaining Capacity = 0 mAh
(10) Full Charge Capacity = 2113 mAh
(11) Run Time to Empty = 65535 min(s)
(12) Average Time to Empty = 65535 min(s)
(13) Average Time to Full = 65535 min(s)
(14) Charging Current = 0 mA
(15) Charging Voltage = 0 mV
(16) Battery Status = 0x4AD0
(17) Cycle Count = 6
(18) Design Capacity = 2375 mAh
(19) Design Voltage = 11550 mV
(1A) Cpecification Info = 0x31
(1B) Manufacture Date = 0x4CE4 - 2018.07.04
(1C) Serial Number = 1763
(20) Manufacturer Name = ATL NVT
(21) Device Name = DJI023
(22) Device Chemistry = 3856
(23) Manufacturer Data = 0x006F0002
(3C) Battery Cell 4 Voltage = 0 mV
(3D) Battery Cell 3 Voltage = 1765 mV
(3E) Battery Cell 2 Voltage = 1119 mV
(3F) Battery Cell 1 Voltage = 2050 mV
(D8) DJI Battery S/N : 0K4AF73A35088X
Write Block 0x44 <= 0200
Read Block 0x44 => 02004307010100270003850200
CHIP ID: 4307 => BQ9003 (BQ40Z307)
FW BUILD: 0027
Write Block 0x44 <= 5400
Read Block 0x44 => 5400006F0002
Chip is sealed = SEC3 = xxxxxx11
I have tried that sequence of commands many times but the result is always the same:
when all the steps are successful, the LED flashes 4 times and then turns off, even if at the end I performed a sequence of Reset/Seal commands.
Does it matter which GND/VCC slot of the battery I connect to the power supply and the cp2112 board?
Are they interchangeable?
The voltage of the power supply I have connected to the battery is 12.00 V
The Read Info report Parameter 09 returns 4934 mV
Is there any other voltage I should check ?
Yes, once that command sequence completes successfully, when I connect the battery to the original DJI 4-battery charger, the charger LED repeatedly switches from green to red.
Hi folks, I have a few aftermarket batteries for the Mini 3 / 4 Pro, and they were working fine until a recent firmware update. Now, the drone detects the batteries as being non-DJI batteries. Has anyone used the Battery Killer software to fix this issue? I’m wondering if I just need to modify the battery parameters (probably parameter 20) to match the OEM batteries. Thoughts?