I lost control of my Mini 2. I’d hardly started flying when I lost sight and tried a return to home but it had probably already crashed.
The ”Find my Drone” function went mad sending me to various places as much as ¼ mile apart. When I reached the indicated spots it sent me elsewhere. Has anyone experienced this idiosyncratic behavior?
I had just taken off. Just taking a look around from my start position. When I found the flight log it displayed some strange behaviour. Without any stick input it had set off backwards in a straight line and then went off sideways at right angles until hitting a steep bank. I had seen no warnings other than in the log to re-calibrate the IMU something I hadn’t seen before but probably the result of the crash rather than the cause. Fortunately the log showed the exact position nowhere near any of the “find” sites.
It’s been too windy since to try it but it seems undamaged. Fortunately the camera was untouched as it was flying sideways on impact. I’ll keep it very low so I can do an emergency stop if it looks out of control.
I experienced similar towards end of last year, when I came down in a farmers field, it kept taking me to the wrong place, if I can re call vaguely, this is on iOS btw, I closed the fly app, re opened it used find my drone within the app but then it gives you the option too use google maps which is what I was trying to use prior with no joy,so I then just followed the red line on the screen within the fly app then found it straight away, it took me straight too it, as stated above & not sure how you tried to locate yours, I found using the google maps useless, it was very laggy & slow at updating, that’s what worked for me tho, followed the red line with the flashing & beeping activated.
As @SparkyFPV says tho Airdata will be your best friend
I have Airdata UAV app but for some reason data logs stopped in October. I tried Sync Now but it tells me no new files!
Days to Sync is set to All and Auto Sync is on…
I assume that they would Syn from DJI Fly on my phone or should the drone be involved.
I had forgotten about the red line which I’d seen on a previous search. This time the supposed drone location was shown by a blue pin and my location by a blue dot with the direction I was facing shown. The map was that used by the DJI Fly screen I assume. I was in panic mode so I’m unsure whether there was a map choice. I’ll do a trial search with the drone in a known location when I get the opportunity.
I have logged on to Airdata and find all my flights are already logged there in more detail than the phone app . I can download as a KML file which opens in Google Earth. This shows the flight in 3D in Street View. Fascinating but no clue as to the reason for loosing control. The sharp sideways movement was close to a tree but no contact. It does show contact with a tree where it fell to on the bank where I found it. After that it shows a trace some distance to the middle of the road which didn’t happen. It does show a vertical climb before contact with the tree when I hit the Return to Home button.
Yes according to the data. It was on the ground upside down near the path and steps. No doubt the return action caused it to rise into the branches. That doesn’t describe why it got to that location. The first deviation it was pointing into the wind but a wind doesn’t explain the the right angle deviation towards the trees. The ground wind was a light breeze.
I can’t see a way of viewing the stick movements on the Airdata web site. How do you do that?
I can do it on my DJI Fly flight log but that doesn’t show any sustained stick movements.
I’m willing to accept my pilot errors though. Put it down to advanced age.
I wonder at my bad habit of not always removing the sticks when I put the RC back in the case. Could that have harmed the sensors?
@ahardie , I just want to say, last year when my drone came down, which mine too was also pilot error as @SparkyFPV & another member showed me through the Airdata, the guys done the Airdata reading 3D / analysis call it & it was bang on the money, which I always applaud them for the work in understanding it ( which I don’t ) until I’m shown,
But what I couldn’t work out was, the video my drone recorded within the fly app when it came down was clearly showing long grass, but when I found the drone, it was in a completely different part of the farmers field on mud, it’s on this forum somewhere but I can’t remember where, which did tally up with the Airdata & the picture the guys put together, just found it strange when compared it all together, if that makes sense how it got from one place too the other, i we, don’t know the answer, apart from the crash was pilot error