Really nice video, have subscribed to you and started posting comments in the last couple of days. I’m that cycling fella haha.
I was initially quite dismissive of the motion controller, but I’m starting to rethink that after all the videos showing it and your comments.
Someone’s unimpressed …
Thanks for all the input - amazing flying - not sure I could cope with all that’s going on, especially at my age. I am in awe.
Chris will let you know what he thinks later today.
It’s quite easy to fly in the first two modes.
That’s coz Ian woo let him have it.
Ted is ace, always photo bombing lol.
Aha! Hello again!
I think I’m both!
Ohhhhh noooooo he’s crashed he’s crashed
Much damage?
Tree’s fine , rest easy
It was me doing a fly around the bottom of a tree. The branches were a bit low and I caught one. Not a scratch. It kept going
Hope your filming is the sick bucket full yet?
Someone, I think it was Nurk mentioned they’re ‘props out’.
Looking good Chris will you be making a purchase?
New jeans first
How did you find the motion controller?
Honest review.
I fucking loved it.
Still in your very basket?