DJI FPV Race/Freestyle quad


You’re on a winner there Callum.

Rubber dinghy rapids innit bro


Wooohooo! I just managed my first clean run through the DJI simulator on manual through the figure of 8 track with gates!


If he has got the charger setup wrong it will be :rofl:

Wait until he sees my Manual Mode Attempt video… :exploding_head:


Is Ted in it


We need to see more Ted!


Bloody batterys for this DJI FPV are like rocking horse poo

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Batteries for the DJI Mini 1 took just over a year to become a readily available reseller stock item :scream:

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They need top get there fingers out or they will get burnt.
A lot will end up on ebay and the second hand market will be flooded. (the drone, because the without batteries they are useless)

Phew, I was lucky then.

I’ve had a very serious rethink and I have reached my final decision on whether the new DJI FPV drone is for me.

The answer is no. This isn’t based on is it a good or bad product, I actually think it’s a really nice product. I just don’t think it’s practical nor fits the way I currently fly FPV. The extra modes it has would be of little to no benefit as I always fly in ACRO/Manual mode, which based on quite a few reviews is not particularly good on the DJI Drone, and there’s currently no way to change the PID’s and filters.

Batteries and flight times. This is always a problem for me when proprietary batteries are involved. With any of my 5inch and 7inch quads, when I go out for a decent session I carry around 10 pre-charged packs. If flying at my club field I’ll also have my four port charger and a lead acid battery to keep me going for a full day. My ten battery packs (1500mAh@4s 90c discharge) were £9 each or £90. Ten DJI packs would set me back at least £1,390, for similar flight times and I’d still be stuck at being able to only charge one at a time.

The only big attraction for me using analog FPV gear is the allure of an immersive HD system, so reason dictates that I should wait and see how the V2 system pans out, seeing as the V1 system is discontinued (and so soon) and watch to see what other HD systems gain popularity.

This lead me to another question. As I do the majority of my flying at my club site, how well would DJI’s FPV Quad play nice with other RC and FPV systems? This is something, as of yet, that hasn’t been demonstrated. DJI’s Ocusync3 system occupies a large chunk of both the 2.4GHz and 5.8GHz allocations, possibly making me even more unpopular than I am now.

So again. I’m not dissing the DJI FPV quad or those that are happy owners. It’s producing what DJI promised in spades and 99.99% of owners have smiles so big you’d swear they had flip-top heads. Which in anyone’s book is a very good thing. As a spectator I’m finding the uploads from @speatuk, @Plantman500, and @ianinlondon, an absolute thrill to watch, and not just the flying but experiencing the excitement they are enjoying.


I don’t really hate analog FPV, I have decent cameras and good receiver module in the goggles and I can always see where I’m going. I even quite like the anticipation of getting home to see the gopro footage. Don’t get me wrong I’ll probably end up getting an HD system once they’re a bit more sorted but yeah, not hugely fussed about it.

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Hi Bud,

Thanks for you post, I sort of agree with what you getting at, I think DJI have pointed this at a very particular group, which I believe is largely going to be current Camera pilot not current FPV pilots. but i’m sure you will agree that anything that is done to expand our hobby can only be a good thing.

and as for having fun i have no word mate ear to ear is all i have for you, now if i could only get hold of some bloody batteries. lol


yes i’m not impressed with DJI, who releases a now drone and doesn’t think, wow do you think they will want more batteries

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Yes mate I agree.
But saying that, I bet someone in the purchasing department has had a right old shafting.

Blame the YouTubers…

How are DJI supposed to keep up with supply and demand when YouTubers are doing things like this:

But then again if they’ve paid for them then fair play I guess.

No offense @ianinlondon :rofl:


Snap lol

He has his own online shop. He sells them

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Spot on. As I said in last week’s vid, I reckon I am exactly the type of person they’ve aimed this at; good at flying standard Mavics and no clue about FPV, therefore wanting a product with the premium functions of a Mavic, but the hybrid modes helping us to get into it at our own pace.
As you’l lsee when I upload my Manual Mode attempt (stressing the word attempt there…), it’s great to be able to switch in and out of manual mode as you need to.

If you’re already good at acro mode, then yep, I doubt this will be any use to you. For me, the best single thing about the DJI FPV is the familiarity and freedom of Sports mode with the low latency high def goggles…
And I’ll have spent £250 getting 2 extra batteries getting me less than half an hour between all three…

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That makes more sense :rofl:

DJI have always had issues keeping up with demand you’d of thought they’d of learned a lesson by now :man_facepalming:t2: