I’m sure you’ll discover plenty of other advantages.
My brother says waking up in the night for a pee is SO much easier being able to see where he’s walking …. and peeing, my sister-in-law says.
yep agree to that,my long distance is great,my close vision is absolute crap…
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Ah - OK - my bro was short sighted.
But you’ll still be amazed.
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It will be great to be able to see my screen,and not worry about bloody glasses ,that keep falling off!
My brother tells the story of waking up the first morning and having the fright of his life! It was the first time in his life that he’d woken up and been able to see all the bedroom clearly … ceiling as well. Everything had been a total blur until then.
ONLY problem is i will be able to see who lives in the house with me! now that,is bloody scary…