Hi good evening, advice needed please. Ive done the normal and googled for an answer but I believe it’s telling me wrong.
So my question is what temperature should a DJI Mavic Pro 1 get too. Not the outside temperature but the battery it’s self when in flight.
Plus will the voltage drop.
Any advice is welcome
I’ve never noticed my batteries getting unexpectedly hot … but the MP does have a cooling fan for the internals … are you hearing that running?
I know mine just stopped working one day, and I had to fit a new one.
Hi, Yes I can hear the fan working. The battery seems to be around 40c. I understand the mp1 is an older Drone
Yup - had mine since they came out in Nov '16.
Airdata logs the max battery temp if that helps.
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Have you a specific issue?
You can check the battery temperature with Airdata
Just looked at my logs - I’ve never been above 45.2℃ - but that was in Southern Italy when the air temp was close to that.
But the colouring of the background suggests that not excessive.
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I noticed 1 battery was swollen but it may have been like that for a while that’s what made me keep an eye on the temperature with another battery. When the battery comes out it’s warm as normal but not excessive. Perhaps I’m overthinking it, should the voltage drop during flight.
The temp will go up during flight …
Hi, thank you for your help.
Here’s a graph of a typical flight …
Hi, thank you. Drone is too old, I’ll just keep my eye on the batteries