DJI Mini 3 Motor Covers

Please may have some wise opinions as to whether these motor caps could cause overheating due to reduced air flow ?

The question is why :thinking:

And yes overheating would be an issue I suspect

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If DJI thought their motors needing capping, they’ve have done it themselves, Frank.

Step away from Aliexpress and treat yourself to a decent cup of coffee instead :blush:


Or a badge or pen :wink:

Apparently they being advertised as ‘dust covers’.

Utterly pointless.

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If a drone was taking off & landing, or flying low, over a dusty surface, such as a sandy beach or desert, they would seem to make good sense for keeping grit & contaminants out of the motors.

After flying low through woodland, I have found my drone covered in dust.

Sounds like you’re going to buy them regardless?

I have tested them, no they do not cause any overheating, simply because when the drone is flying the wind would cool the rotor housings anyway, the idea is that they keep the rotor clean from bugs in the summer that get chopped by the blade.

However the major negative aspect which caused me to take them off and get rid of them was the extra weight they add, conducive to lesser performance, conducive to lesser flying time = less fun.
So in conclusion they’re not worth the hassle.

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Sounds like you’re going to buy them regardless?

I probably will if I expect to fly in that kind of environment, to protect the motor bearings etc.

the motors are open for a reason, cooling.

the motors are designed with some fairy (not the best, but ok) close motor stator to armature tolerances… in a hot environment they will need the airflow… in the middle of winter less so.

don’t fly a drone through a sandstorm… it’s not designed for that.

plus learn to hand takeoff and land

it’s not at all difficult to hand takeoff or land, I do it with a m3pro, avata and DJI fpv. yes the FPV can be a bit intimidating, but it’s fine, just slow the process down…

with regards to the covers, they are an absolute waste of money and a real negative/ bad idea as the motors need cooling and they need air to flow through the windings.

if the windings expand your motor will seize … and a drone with 3 motors is only going to land one way … crash land!

you motors are actually consumable items… yes they should last a long time but expect to replace them at some point if you fly enough and keep the drone long enough

:point_up: this your best bet and the cheapest too. Also has the added benefit of being able to take off/land in wet areas where motor covers would be of no benefit :man_shrugging: :+1:

This is the best way of stopping dirt and grit getting into your motors

This is the Mini 3 Pro, but it’s relevant to most small drones

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And presumably puts the drone above the 250g takeoff weight, changing its classification.

DJI Mini 3 Drone = 248g
4 Motor Covers = 1.6g
Total = 249,6g

Here’s another thread on this subject Frank @bannerman100 - which you might like to see:


I have just put some on my mini 3. Just to keep anything go into the motor as they do get dust ect in them. Only fitted today will see how they work tomorrow when I go out flying

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Hi @Madmirlin, it looks as though you’re quite new here :wave:t2:

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You can safely take them off again :smiley:

You don’t cover up the cooling vents on the front of your car to stop the radiator getting dusty. Don’t cover up the cooling vents on your drone motors :blush: